Wednesday 1 April 2020

How We Can Make #UtkalaDibasa The Top Trend In Twitter #SpellingIsUtkalaDibasa

Today is April 1st. It is celebrated as Utkala Dibasa i.e. Odisha Day.
You can read more about Odisha here.

Always nice to see positive news and reason for celebration trending, especially when it is related to our state.
As I type this, I find the hashtag #UtkalaDibasa trending at the fourth position in the list of India trends in Twitter.

I also find many tweeting using multiple spellings- Utkal, Utkala and Dibasa, Dibas, Divas, Divasa, Diwas, Diwasa and hashtags with a combination of these spellings!
Though we have many tweets regarding Odisha Day celebration, as the English spellings in the hashtags used are different, the varied hashtags do not contribute to our trend. 

If everyone used the same hashtag #UtkalaDibasa with the same spelling of "Utkala" & "Dibasa", #UtkalaDibasa could have been the top trend.

The following are some examples of tweets posted on April 1, 2020, where different hashtags like #UtkalaDibas, #UtkalDibas, #UtkalDivas, #UtkalDivasa, #UtkalaDivasa, & #UtkalDiwas have been used-
(There are more hashtags, but I am restricting this post to some screenshots showcasing these)







Note- I have taken screenshots of the latest tweets from Twitter now just to illustrate my point.

We need to update the Wikipedia page and other online information.
The Odisha Day entry must show "Utkala Dibasa" as the spelling. (Now it shows "Utkala Dibas")

When influential Odia and non-Odia personalities are already using this spelling, including our Prime Minister and Vice President of India among others, what is stopping us from using one uniform spelling to refer to Odisha Day- Utkala Dibasa ?
Using consistent spellings and hashtags will have its own impact. Our hashtags can trend at better positions then.
As I type this, I no longer find the hashtag #UtkalaDibasa in the top twenty positions in the list of India trends in Twitter. 

I know many will argue that how do trends matter and all we need is love for the state! 
Whether we write #OdishaDay, like our country's President, or we write the Odia spelling of Utkala Dibasa, we are celebrating the same day.
Point taken. 
But, using common hashtags, will help to align/congregate the information together. 
Many are sharing lesser known facts about Odisha, that can be easily accessible if we search a single hashtag and not multiple ones...
Some are also using two or more hashtags including #UtkalaDibasa - that is still okay as the Odisha information shared can be accessed.

Also, apart from #Utkala Dibasa, we are already celebrating a number of "Dibasa" online viz. -
Pakhala Dibasa #PakhalaDibasa - on March 20th 
Rasagola Dibasa #RasagolaDibasa - on Niladri Bije, Ratha Jatra - this year on Saturday, July 4th

(and some recent additions to the list)

Using uniform "Dibasa" & "Pakhala" & "Rasagola" etc spellings for these, is highly recommended.
Requesting all to please use uniform spellings and common hashtags. 

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