Wednesday 15 April 2020

Near, Far, Wherever You Are

"This is my city!" said Rila to her friend, Raj.

"You live so close to the Church! Do you visit?" he asked.
PHOTO PROMPT - Roger Bultot
 "I didn't know you are interested in Churches! You visit temples, right?" Rila said still giving him a city tour from her terrace.

"Wonder how it looks from inside..." Raj said.

"Not satisfied with the video call? For now, look it up online and see the images! When this lockdown ends, you’re most welcome to visit this part of the world and experience it for yourself." 

"God's doors are closed everywhere now. May they open fast…" Raj said.

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers

The title of this story are some words from the lyrics of the song 'My Heart Will Go On' from the Hollywood Movie- 'Titanic'. 
Near, far, wherever you are,
Stay home. Stay safe. Take care.
Praying for our world. May all be well soon.

I am so grateful that there is no lockdown on telephone and internet services and we can communicate with friends worldwide despite this Covid19 pandemic.

Do you pray? Are you missing visiting the places of worship? Are you waiting for these places to open their doors for the public?


  1. Might be a while. Hope will get us through.

  2. I believe the theologians would say God's doors are always open. It's only the churches and mosques and temples that are closed

  3. It's an odd thing for such places to be closed, but for the best too. Just think of the celebrations to be had when congregations can gather again. Well written Tannille

  4. Interesting viewpoint, Anita. Churches, temples, mosques etc are usually beautiful places to visit because humans have a habit of spending a great deal of money on their places of worship. Personally, I don't have any religious beliefs, so am unaffected by the current closures. :)

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  5. Dear Anita

    Good thing for us, God isn't confined to a building.



  6. I think that most people, rightly or wrongly, are more upset by the closure of sports arenas than places of worship.
    Stay safe.

  7. Looking forward to the days when we can all travel and see the world for real again.

  8. I'm thankful for internet church right now. It's not as good as gathering with my church family, but it's good, nonetheless.

  9. I echo the sentiment in this. Nice one.

  10. I'm not remotely religious. I really miss coffee shops. They might be open, but I'm not going. Pandemics have happened before. We are in the unique position to have phones and video chats. My cousin is organizing weekly game nights via video chat. Tomorrow's the first one.

  11. Our social glue has been jarred up. Hoping we can be hugging those we care about soon. Good covid story.

  12. I'd say that it is people's doors that are closed, and some hearts ... but that many MANY hearts are opened wider than before. I take heart from that. Well done piece!

  13. I initially enjoyed the confinement at home. But in a few days I began to get bored. I miss the carefree walkabout. Miss being with nature.

  14. Wow, really makes it hit home when you think about someone wanting to see the inside of a church and they can't!

  15. God's doors are not on buildings....they're in our hearts 😊


Your words mean a lot to me.

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