Wednesday 29 August 2018

The Haunted House

When my parents selected a new apartment for us to move in, I just didn't see what they saw.
"What's wrong with this home?"
"This place used to be haunted."
My sentence was like a hint.
PHOTO PROMPT © Nathan Sowers
I often say- "one never knows what is hidden from the sight or mind".
From past experience, my parents had enough reasons to believe me.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Dear God, Tell Me!

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
This happened the other day,
When I began to pray...
God appeared in front of me!
I was really surprised to see!

“You have a lot of queries!
Now I’m free, ask me please!”
I didn’t know what to do/say!
What a blessing had come my way!
WOW: Conversation With God

Friday 17 August 2018

Just Let It Flow

The artist felt terribly shackled as her work was not recognized.
Though it won awards, she got no mention...

Tears flooded her eyes and face.
She heard a sweet voice saying "Just let it flow".

Wiping her tears, she was surprised to see a little bird advising her- "Unshackle yourself and go with the flow".
She remembered what wise people have said- "The cause of sorrow is attachment".  

5 Reasons Why We Must Save Photos In Online Albums

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

I love clicking photographs.
I feel I am capturing memories.
However, I rarely use or share such photographs. They largely remain confined to my digital device's memory and are housed in privacy.
I have used a few for posting to my blog, but the vast majority remain stored and scarcely get a double look, thereby defeating the purpose why they were clicked.

You may wonder- why don't I post my photographs online?
Like everyone else, even I can upload to photo-sharing social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or to the available online photo-albums, right?
The reality is - my profile photo has been the same over the years across Twitter, FB, Blog etc!
How private can one be in this age of social media when someone or the other is tagging you?!
Who or what is stopping me from sharing pics and tagging others? 

Over the past few months, I have been considering some reasons why we must save our photos in online albums:

Sunday 12 August 2018

The Last Day Of My Life

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

How would you react if you came to know-
If there was a divine light/sound to tell you so-
“Today is the last day of your life on Earth”.
Wouldn’t the news be a shock, ending mirth?

Today is the day I have to revel & live,
Today is the day I’ll enjoy; not grieve!
Pending tasks, unfinished stories,
Half-completed-reports, unbalanced peace...

My procrastination & confidence is to blame,
I thought I’ll live long & life will be the same!
The realisation hit me that minutes are ticking,
‘Today is my last day’- I’m helplessly thinking.
WOW: Today Is Your Last Day On Earth

Thursday 9 August 2018

Special Student

When she first joined the dance-class, everyone guessed that she was special.
She earned a special seat, attention and care!
She was beautiful.
Her flawless skin dazzled more than her bright yellow frock.

“Here, let me help you begin.”
The dance-teacher kept his hands on her slim-waist and lifted her.
Her delicate frame seemed ready for any move.

The Garden View

She found a garden-space.

Something told her that it's too small for her huge plantation dreams!

She silenced the thought saying- the space is huge for an ant!
PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio
The next moment, she got an ant's eye view of the said garden-space!

The grasses looked huge and the sides of the table like a strong brick wall!

What had happened? How would she regain her previous dimensions?

Sunday 5 August 2018

Sunrise On The Chilika Lake

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
I love sunrise for the new hope, energy and freshness it ushers.
Recently, I had the great opportunity to watch the sunrise at Asia's largest lagoon and the second largest lagoon in the world, Chilika Lake.
This eco-paradise, located in the Ganjam district of Odisha, attracts lakhs of migratory birds.

Watching the sunrise at a tourist place is an incentive to say bye to sleep & the facilities of a comfortable room!
Do you like sacrificing sleep to greet the morning rays of the sun?

When I woke up in the morning and looked out, I could see the lights from the Kalijai Island nearby.
I hurried to the banks of the Chilika ready to greet the sun!

Thursday 2 August 2018

Design #OpenFuture

I'd change everyone's attitude & perception-
Everyone 24/7 will be their best version!
Spread positivity, enthusiasm & smiles,
Encourage all to do so across the miles!

If all of us think & act this way every minute,
We all can change the world bit by bit.
Let's revel in the similarities we share,
To celebrate the differences, let’s care.

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