Busy working on my Research-Paper,
My breakfast I attended absentmindedly...
A burning smell emanated from my Toaster,
Instead of the Bread, I had put my CD!
What an Idiot! But I sprung to action faster!
To set things right before my act's discovery!
But, my hubby-dear's nose proved smarter!
Though the Perfume-Spray's effect was speedy!
1. We must mind it! Use our mind before doing any work!
2. We cannot and should not hide anything from our loved ones!
Note- Not a true story.
Inspired by a TV advertisement in which the model tries to insert a piece of bread in his Laptop (thinking it is the CD) & then realizes from the smoke from his Toaster that he has accidentally put his CD in the Toaster!
Shows how our busy lives make us so absent-minded that we end up doing such idiotic things...
Used this idea to present a 55-words Poem!
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
WOW – Three Is Company!
“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.” ― Rudyard Kipling