Sunday 21 July 2024

Padma Shri Kamala Pujari Maa

 When I first met her, I was struck by her simplicity and dazzling smile.

It was 27 May 2017 & the event was the YES We Can Change Agents Awards Function- "Be The Change"-2- "Lesser Known Change Agents of Odisha."

Earlier, Sri Sisir Sahoo Sahoo had spoken highly of "Kamala Maa." She was a Change Agent in Be The Change-1. Her information was published in the in the fist book of change-agents by the Yes We Can team.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Copied Ikat Motifs And Handloom Saree Designs

Ikat is a technique of tie-and-dye of handlooms.

Some Indian states have the Geographical Indication (GI) tags for their own unique and special Ikat.

This includes-

Odisha- Orissa Ikat, Sambalpuri Bandha Saree and Fabrics, Khandua Saree and Fabrics;

Telangana- Pochampally Ikat; Telia Rumal;

Gujarat- Patan Patola

Can you identify this Ikat?

Saturday 22 June 2024

Hati Besha or Gaja Besha

Hati Besha or Gaja Besha or the Gajanana Besha is represented on Snana Purnima as a part of the Snana Jatra tradition.

GAJA or Hati means- "Elephant"
It also signifies Shree Ganesha.

The first four letters of Jagannatha Mahaprabhu- JAGA.

It may be noted that GAJA and JAGA have the same four English letters/alphabets.

The principal servitor of Shree Jagannatha is "Puri Gajapati" i.e. the King of Puri.

Deba Snana Purnima and Snana Jatra

Deba Snana Purnima & Snana Jatra is being celebrated today.

Each year, the English calendar celebration date differs as Snana Jatra is celebrated on the tithi day.
Like the others, Ratha Jatra, Bahuda Jatra, etc., the tithi dates are on different English calendar dates each year.
In the year 2020, on this particular date- June 22, after Mahaprabhu's direction, the Supreme Court of India reconsidered the decision (initially that had ruled out the celebration of Ratha Jatra 2020 owing to Covid); after Mahaprabhu's intervention, Ratha Jatra commenced on June 23, 2020.
This year, Ratha Jatra is on July 7th.
Today- Snana Purnima- is Shree Jagannatha's "appearance day" or birthday.
Witnessing the Snana Jatra is considered very auspicious.
Snana means- Bath
Jatra means- Journey
Jatra also refers to festival
Deities take bath every day, but without having to visit the Snana Bedi or Mandapa within the Shreemandira.

Friday 21 June 2024

International Day of Yoga 2024

Proud to celebrate the 10th International Day of Yoga today- on June 21st.

The 2024 Theme is: "Yoga for Self and Society."

Yoga represents:
- the harmony of mind and body,
- the balance between thought and action, &
- the unity of restraint and fulfillment.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Snana Jatra or Snana Purnima and Gajanana Besha or Hati Besha

Deba Snana Purnima or Snana Purnima is on June 22nd this year.

It is also called the Jyeshtha Purnima as it is in the "Jyeshtha" month.

It is also called Snana Jatra. The name has the term "jatra," which means "journey."

Snana Jatra means the journey to take a bath.

It is no ordinary journey or bath as this is related to the sibling deities - Shree Jagannatha, Shree Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra. As we know, everything about them is grand.

They are moved from their Ratna bedi to the Snana Mandapa in a Pahandi just like during Ratha Jatra. The difference is that this movement - Snana Jatra - is within the Shree Jagannatha Temple, Puri.

During Ratha Jatra, the deities move out of the Shreemandira.

I had written a previous post on Snana Purnima in 2022-

"Snana Yatra and Gajanan Besha"-

I have felt guilty (and still feel guilty) about using words such as "Yatra" instead of "Jatra" in the past.

Using the local word "Jatra" will be true to the Odia spelling and pronunciation.

Today, while searching online, I found that most articles and reports—including my own blog post mentioned above — have used "Snana Yatra" as the name.

I used "Yatra" in the name as it is more widely known, and people would find my Snana Jatra post if and when they searched.

Monday 17 June 2024

Raja Parba - Festival of Odisha That Celebrates Menstruation, Womanhood, Fertility and Life

Greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of Basumati Snana🙏🏽
Basumati means- Goddess Earth.
Snana means- Bath.
After the Raja festival, Goddess Earth is bathed and worshipped today.

Bhudebi Maa - Mother Goddess Earth

Bathing and Holy Dip in Culture

Bathing is very important in our culture. It signifies purification.
Devotees bathe and wear good clothes before visiting any sacred site or performing Puja. It is God's grace that some extremely cold places, like Badrinath, have natural hot water, facilitating the
bathing and sanitation of the devotees.
Devotees visit religious sites to take holy dips e.g. for Ganga Dussehra (it was yesterday), many devotees took a holy dip in the Ganga.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

O Maria!

The latest art exhibition in town featured a famous artist whose name was familiar to Maria.

He had been her classmate in junior school! 

Then, he was transferred elsewhere.

Later, Maria found him featured in the media.

She started following his work.

She always felt proud of his achievements.

Photo Prompt- Roger Bultot

Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Spaceship

A cake competition was announced.

As an expert baker with years of baking experience, she registered.

Photo prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Apart from the preparation process and quality, the contestants would be judged by their cakes' unique ideas.

With stars in her eyes, she set out to bake a cake that was out of this world!

After an entire day's work, her spaceship cake creation was ready!

Photo Prompt- Mr. Binks

Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Light of The Tower

Rosy thought of new stories to keep her daughter engaged.

From their terrace, they could see a beautiful tower.

During the day, the tower sparkled with sun-rays.

Rosy narrated how a princess stayed there and the sun sent her gifts- light!

Her daughter said that the sun also sent them gifts and their terrace too had light!

Photo Prompt- Dale Rogerson
During the night, they saw the dark tower.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Six Degrees Cooler

 She was the coolest one for everyone.

It was not just about her looks.

She dressed uniquely.

She thought and spoke differently.

She was eco-friendly.

The sustainability champion clicked with everyone.

She was a great hostess too.

She hosted parties, events and get-togethers.

Everyone wanted to be friends with her.

They knew that would earn them invites and access to her cool place.

Photo Prompt- Lisa Fox

Saturday 4 May 2024

Odia in Festival of Indian Languages

"The explosion of media over the past two decades means local stories can be told in local languages at a mass level in ways that was impossible in the past.

In print. On radio. On TV. Online. On digital video. Even on hoardings. As the regional language pipes grow, brands have wonderful new avenues via which they can speak to their consumers.

Festival of Indian Languages (FOIL) is a conference that will try to paint the linguistic patchwork that keeps together the magical idea of India.

Are we tapping all the opportunities that localisation of language offers? What more could we do? FOIL is the first such multimedia conference in the country that explores the power of local languages in mass media. It has been organised by afaqs!"

Languages are special.

Languages keep us connected.

They truly provide a "linguistic patchwork." 

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Ted Talk

In a clubhouse, members were sharing their childhood memories.

Sara shared about her best friend- Ted.

Ted listened to Sara attentively, played whichever game she wanted, and threw no tantrums.


Actually, Ted could not speak.

Sara tried to get Ted to talk.

Ted had lost his voice.

Doctors had given up hope.

Sara persisted.

Photo Prompt- Ted Strutz

Online Scams, Cyber Fraud and Safe Digital Banking

With the advent of digital media, online cheating and scams are commonplace now. Users need to be aware to exercise caution and refrain from falling for tempting offers and clicking suspicious links.

If it looks too good to be true, it truly isn't true.

It is said- "All that glitters is not gold."

Indian banks, other institutions, and individuals have been sharing the need to be cautious about glittering deals and offers.

Through its public awareness initiative, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has been sharing a series of communication- "RBI Kehta Hai... Jaankar Baniye, Satark Rahiye".

In English, it means- "RBI says... Be Aware, Stay Cautious."

In other words- "Safe Digital Banking starts with you. Transact Safely."

Source: RBI Kehta Hai
More details here- 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

World Copyright Day

April 23rd is "World Book Day" & "World Copyright Day".

To all the shameless copycats, here's what I wanna say-

Stop plagiarism & passing others' work as your own.
Do you have no original ideas/thoughts/views or tone?
Are you so pathetic that only for copying you are fit?
Please either become original or else give due credit🙏

The Tree Mystery

Lisa went to their garden with her notebook.

Being inspired by nature, she wanted to write a story for “Earth Day”.

She settled in the cool shade of their mango tree.

She spotted a well-crafted tiny door attached to the tree trunk in front.


Photo Prompt- Fleur Lind

Who lived there?

Should she open the door and check?

Saturday 13 April 2024

Odia New Year: Pana Sankranti - Mahabishuba Sankranti

The Odia New Year is called Pana Sankranti or Mahabishuba Sankranti.

Details about Pana Sankranti are in my previous blog posts here.

This time let us all ensure correct representation in our social media posts.

As per the Purnachandra Odia Bhashakosha, an Odisha encyclopedia- a monumental 7-volume work of about 9,500 pages published between 1930 and 1940 by an illustrious son of Odisha, Sri Gopal Chandra Praharaj (1874-1945):

 ବିଷୁବ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି Bishuba Samkrāntiସଂ. ବିସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟ ବର୍ଷକରେ ଯେଉଁ ଦିନଦ୍ୱୟ ବିଷୁବ ରେଖା ଉପରେ ଗମନ କରନ୍ତି; ତହିଁର ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି ଦ୍ୱୟ; ଜଳବିଷୁବ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି ଓ ମହାବିଷୁବ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି; ବର୍ଷକରେ ଯେଉଁ ଦିନଦ୍ୱୟ ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟ ପ୍ରଥମେ ଯଥା— କ୍ରମେ ମେଷ ରାଶିକୁ ଓ ତୁଳ ରାଶିକୁ ସଂକ୍ରମଣ (ଗମନ) କରନ୍ତି—The two Saṁkrānti days in the year falling after the equinoxes; the passage of the sun to the next sign at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes; the passage of the sun to the first points of Aries and Libra after the vernal and autumnal equinoxes; the equinoxial passage (Apte).
ବିଷୁବ Bishuba3ମେଷ ବା ବୈଶାଖ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି; ପଣା ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି; ମହାବିଷୁବ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତି—3. The Saṁkrānti or the 1st day of the month of solar Ba̲i̱ṡākha; the first point of Aries which the sun enters after the vernal equinox (Apte).

Thursday 11 April 2024

Chhenapoda and Podapitha - Foods of Odisha

Chhenapoda is a delectable dessert of Odisha that is prepared by using Chhena (cottage-cheese).

More information about Chhenapoda in my previous posts here.
There is a lot of misinformation regarding Chhenapoda.
More awareness is needed.

What is the name of the following bhoga?

Wednesday 10 April 2024

The Hidden Treasure

Mili was visiting her grandparents’ home.

They had passed away...

Though Mili was visiting after many years, she saw that not much had changed in their home.

There was still no air-conditioner or television.

As a kid, Mili never missed electronic devices whenever she visited her grandparents.

They played many board games together.

She loved listening to their stories.

Many memories came flooding her mind.

Photo Prompt- Susan Rouchard

Wednesday 3 April 2024

The Bridge of Diligence

 The villagers had always wanted a bridge.

During the rainy season, boatmen either didn’t come or didn't dare to ferry passengers.

School students suffered.

Some diligent students, who didn't want to miss school, used to swim to attend school.

The villagers had communicated during meetings with politicians.

All letters to leaders had been in vain.

Governments came and went; the river had no bridge…


Photo Prompt- Sandra Crook

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Manifestation Magic

Imparting dance lessons to Persons With Disability (PWD) was tough.

She trained them wonderfully.

Photo Prompt- Dale Rogerson
She knew nothing was impossible.

Her dream University beckoned.

She often saw the building through her netted-curtain.

Photo Prompt- Roger Bultot
It was always there in front of her.

In her last attempt, she was rejected.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

The Beach Rider

They had challenged her that she could never learn to ride a bicycle.

"You are already so old!"

"If you fall while learning to ride a bicycle, your broken bones are not going to heal easily!"

They all taunted her!


The choice was hers.

The field was hers.

She started earnestly.

It was tough with arthritis...

Photo Prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Monday 11 March 2024

The Spelling of Rasabali In Odia

 Rasabali is a cottage cheese-based dessert of Odisha.

"Kendrapara Rasabali" has the Geographical Indication (GI) tag.

When I first started working for this GI, I looked for the spelling of this word- Rasabali- not only in English, but in Odia also.

As "Rasavali" too is derived from Sanskrit, and there the letter "v" is used instead of "b".

When I first consulted with scholars and language experts, those with a strong Sanskrit background advocated the usage of "Rasavali" in the name.

However, the usage of "b" i.e. Rasabali is more common in Odia.

Many of the sellers are already using - "Rasabali" as the name.

As we must be true to our local spelling and name, being "vocal for local", we settled for "Rasabali."

The name of "Kendrapara" was also discussed and went ahead with "Kendrapara" as the district name is - Kendrapara (and not Kendrapada).

These blog posts have more about our Rasabali GI outreach-

After my facilitation for the "Kendrapara Rasabali" GI and despite personally informing the stakeholders multiple times about the need for "correct representation", it was disappointing to find that the GI application had been submitted and the logo had been applied that too with the wrong information and spellings of product, applicants, place etc -

Tuesday 20 February 2024

There Were No Footsteps When I Walked

I do not know how or why I embarked on that trip,

They laughed at me saying everything I did was a blip!

With the herd mentality, they indulged in copy-paste-

Anything original & great, they'd own up after a taste!

Image credit; Moostapper Pixabay

While they followed footsteps & copied all bit by bit,

Hiding sources, appropriating & falsely claiming credit!

Monday 19 February 2024

You Look Great Even Without AI

Fairness has its stark advantages here.

Dark skin is not what most can bear.

"Fair is beautiful"- for many in our land.

Being fair is "lovely" & like a magic wand.

Source: Pexels

A darker shade of skin is sought to be lightened.

Beauty standards are accentuated & heightened.

"Fair" is much in demand in this digital age too!

Tech filters, apps & AI change the looks of you!

Wednesday 14 February 2024

The Snow Trip

“No, you cannot cancel our trip to the Himalayas yet again!

I’ve never seen snow in my life.”

Riya was upset.

It was the second time her husband had expressed his inability to go on the trip.

Riya had spent hours to book the trip.

Photo Prompt- Dale Rogerson

He had promised he would make it this time.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Prints Being Sold As Pattachitra Art Paintings

In our previous post, we shared how the eyes of the deities are now being misrepresented- in printed photographs/images that are used even in temples and at homes in Puja rooms, and also on diaries, calendars etc.

Misrepresentation of Eyes of Deities- Shree Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra and Shree Jagannatha-

Even in the new art- paintings created by hand- artists are shaping the eyes incorrectly & not presenting the original eyes.

What is the shape of the eyes of Shree Balabhadra & Devi Subhadra in the "Pattachitra Art Painting" image given below?
This image depicts the eyes better (without squint)-

What is the name of the art that you can see in the above images?

Misrepresentation of Eyes of Deities- Shree Balabhadra, Devi Subhadra And Shree Jagannatha

India has many Goddesses and Gods.

Every deity has their own distinct image.

For example, Maa Saraswati is shown holding Her Veena and wearing white clothes.

Similarly, Shree Shiva is shown with the moon and holding His weapons.

Shree Ganesha has been represented in many ways- holding sweets, books, weapons etc.

The Shree Jagannatha Temple of Puri, Odisha, is one of the "Char Dham"i.e. the four holy places to visit for Hindus.

Lakhs of devotees visit the temple.

The sibling deities also come out of the temple and undertake their annual journey - the Ratha Jatra (Ratha Yatra).

Thursday 8 February 2024

The High Spirited Girl

She thought herself to be lucky-

Always experimenting with art!

Their engines made her appear murky-

Like a fox & coyote, without heart.


She worked hard to sow the seeds. 

Her confidence gave them the blues.

They removed her plants as weeds!

Her name joined their list of taboos.


Source: Pexels 

The Sunset Treat

 A group of seniors had scheduled their meeting on the newest bridge in the city.

Their idea was to meet, chat, and watch the sunset together.

Priya was on the bridge staring at the water.


Photo Prompt - Peter Abbey

The laughter and banter of the seniors filled her thoughts.

Seeing the group, she understood that they might have been school/college friends.

Friday 2 February 2024

Woman With Flowered Hat

The party was on in full swing.

Many guests had been invited.

Why did he have the empty feeling?

He was quiet though much was unsaid.


There was decoration, food and fun.

Free drinks flowed; the spirits were high!

Many indulged in animated discussion!

All fake smiles & superficiality made him sigh.


Woman With Flowered Hat- Jean Dupas

Thursday 1 February 2024

Craft Reflects The Craft

Sita was excited when the National Sculpture Competition was announced.

For the past year, she had been devotedly working on an idol of God though some remarked- "You being a female, how and why are you in this man’s trade?”

People mocked and questioned her- “How can you even dream of your art getting selected or expect winning?"

Maa Durga Idol- Pexels - Anil Sharma

Odisha Tableau - First Prize Winner In Republic Day Parade 2024

The 75th Republic Day was held with great pomp and show on January 26, 2024, at the Kartavya Path, New Delhi.

Odisha state's tableau has won the first prize in the State/UT category in Republic Day Parade 2024.

Traditional, local & GI crafts of Odisha were showcased.

Odisha Tableau was selected and could join the parade after 3 years.

The beautiful tableau had Pattachitra theme & art including Kandarpa Hati - i.e. elephant with figures in traditional Krishna Leela art.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Wherever She Went, Love Followed

She was so lovely!

He loved her.

She did not know.

Even if she did, would she have cared or reciprocated?


She cared for her books.

They were her love.

Even he loved to chew on books.


Once he had tried making his presence felt.

She shrieked.

Even he got startled!


Photo Prompt- Susan Rouchard

When she decided to move homes, even he decided to make a move.

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