Wednesday 8 May 2024

Six Degrees Cooler

 She was the coolest one for everyone.

It was not just about her looks.

She dressed uniquely.

She thought and spoke differently.

She was eco-friendly.

The sustainability champion clicked with everyone.

She was a great hostess too.

She hosted parties, events and get-togethers.

Everyone wanted to be friends with her.

They knew that would earn them invites and access to her cool place.

Photo Prompt- Lisa Fox

She had planted trees and created an urban natural retreat right in her backyard!

It was six degrees cooler there.

With less than six degrees of separation, the cool girl and her cool place were in demand.

100 words story for the Friday Fictioneers

As per the Wikipedia:

"Six degrees of separation" is the idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from each other. As a result, a chain of "friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. It is also known as the six handshakes rule.

The heat is on. Many of us live in urban jungles. Seeing the refreshing green canopy in the photo prompt made me feel cool and think of the temperature difference trees can make. 

Plant trees and make Planet Earth cool. 

This is a fictional story. Perhaps, in this material world, all will like to be friends with someone rich and influential who has a palatial home that's centrally air-conditioned! 

Have you ever planted a tree? Please share in the comments below.


  1. We can all do our bit. Now we just need governments to do theirs

  2. Dear Anita,
    There's a cool girl everywhere, isn't there?

  3. It used to be seven degrees of separation. I don't remember when that changed, but it's fascinating, when getting to know someone new, to find mutual connection in six degrees or less :)

  4. Anonymous, above, is Granonine. I wish WP would get this fixed!

  5. Trees give shade and life, yet mankind cuts them down ever faster. Sad.. Mike H

  6. Very creative and forward-thinking story, Anita. Yes, I've planted several trees, and plan on planting several more.

  7. She's cool in every sense of the word!

  8. She's definitely cool! Way to go. -Angela

  9. Does it provide shelter when it rains too? i suppose so. :)

  10. Really like you six degrees of separation take on this, Anita. Cool story.

  11. A beautiful and short story with a
    eco-friendly message !!


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