Wednesday 28 October 2020

The Bag

She was rushing through the airport.

Already late for her flight, she dashed against another lady. 

There was hardly any time to lose.

As she opened her laptop inside the flight, she saw a different screensaver.

There were familiar faces.

It wasn’t her laptop!

She had the wrong bag! 

PHOTO PROMPT - J Hardy Carroll

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Rosy Future

When she reached the multi-billionaire's palatial home, his eligible bachelor son's birthday party was on.

The moment she entered the hall, sparks flew. 

Heads turned. 

The fortune-reader's crystal ball sparkled.

The hall looked brighter. 

The birthday boy looked spellbound.


The fortune-reader knew exactly what was going to happen.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

The Secret Place

"I last saw her here", the local tried to explain to the police.

They said, "Yes, we already know that! That is her bicycle." 

"But, what did you do after you had lunch with her on the 'Boat Restaurant'?"

"You both entered together, enjoyed a three-course meal, and then only you came out. Where’s she?"

Thursday 8 October 2020

Trade Secret

The owner was shocked to see her sweet-shop. 

What was all the mess?

Who had broken into her shop?

PHOTO PROMPT - Sandra Crook
Her locker had been stolen! 

No, it did not have any cash.

It had something more valuable- 

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