Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Spaceship

A cake competition was announced.

As an expert baker with years of baking experience, she registered.

Photo prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Apart from the preparation process and quality, the contestants would be judged by their cakes' unique ideas.

With stars in her eyes, she set out to bake a cake that was out of this world!

After an entire day's work, her spaceship cake creation was ready!

Photo Prompt- Mr. Binks

Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Light of The Tower

Rosy thought of new stories to keep her daughter engaged.

From their terrace, they could see a beautiful tower.

During the day, the tower sparkled with sun-rays.

Rosy narrated how a princess stayed there and the sun sent her gifts- light!

Her daughter said that the sun also sent them gifts and their terrace too had light!

Photo Prompt- Dale Rogerson
During the night, they saw the dark tower.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Six Degrees Cooler

 She was the coolest one for everyone.

It was not just about her looks.

She dressed uniquely.

She thought and spoke differently.

She was eco-friendly.

The sustainability champion clicked with everyone.

She was a great hostess too.

She hosted parties, events and get-togethers.

Everyone wanted to be friends with her.

They knew that would earn them invites and access to her cool place.

Photo Prompt- Lisa Fox

Saturday 4 May 2024

Odia in Festival of Indian Languages

"The explosion of media over the past two decades means local stories can be told in local languages at a mass level in ways that was impossible in the past.

In print. On radio. On TV. Online. On digital video. Even on hoardings. As the regional language pipes grow, brands have wonderful new avenues via which they can speak to their consumers.

Festival of Indian Languages (FOIL) is a conference that will try to paint the linguistic patchwork that keeps together the magical idea of India.

Are we tapping all the opportunities that localisation of language offers? What more could we do? FOIL is the first such multimedia conference in the country that explores the power of local languages in mass media. It has been organised by afaqs!"

Languages are special.

Languages keep us connected.

They truly provide a "linguistic patchwork." 

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Ted Talk

In a clubhouse, members were sharing their childhood memories.

Sara shared about her best friend- Ted.

Ted listened to Sara attentively, played whichever game she wanted, and threw no tantrums.


Actually, Ted could not speak.

Sara tried to get Ted to talk.

Ted had lost his voice.

Doctors had given up hope.

Sara persisted.

Photo Prompt- Ted Strutz

Online Scams, Cyber Fraud and Safe Digital Banking

With the advent of digital media, online cheating and scams are commonplace now. Users need to be aware to exercise caution and refrain from falling for tempting offers and clicking suspicious links.

If it looks too good to be true, it truly isn't true.

It is said- "All that glitters is not gold."

Indian banks, other institutions, and individuals have been sharing the need to be cautious about glittering deals and offers.

Through its public awareness initiative, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has been sharing a series of communication- "RBI Kehta Hai... Jaankar Baniye, Satark Rahiye".

In English, it means- "RBI says... Be Aware, Stay Cautious."

In other words- "Safe Digital Banking starts with you. Transact Safely."

Source: RBI Kehta Hai
More details here- 

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