Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Spaceship

A cake competition was announced.

As an expert baker with years of baking experience, she registered.

Photo prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Apart from the preparation process and quality, the contestants would be judged by their cakes' unique ideas.

With stars in her eyes, she set out to bake a cake that was out of this world!

After an entire day's work, her spaceship cake creation was ready!

Photo Prompt- Mr. Binks

It looked real with shimmering fluorescent lights as if it was ready for takeoff.

It had a starry night sky as its background.

Exhausted, she retired for the night.

In the next day's news, there were spaceship photos.

100 words story for Friday Fictioneers

Combining the photo prompt for last week as well.

Initially, the last line of this story was- "When she woke up, the spaceship cake was missing." 

What do you think happened to the spaceship cake? Please share in the comments below.


  1. Dear Anita,
    That must've been some cake! Cute story.

  2. Too much chilli in the cakemix?

  3. Maybe she was called to make this particular cake... like in First Encounters of the Third Kind!

  4. Wow, this cake is out of this world! The attention to detail is amazing, and it truly looks like a spaceship ready to launch. Incredible work!

  5. Sounds like she had a premonition and it came out in her cake design. I wonder what shape her next cake will be in?? Interesting story, Anita.

  6. Whoa. Is she baking things into existence? -Angela

  7. That was fun, Anita! I enjoyed the way you combined two prompts. Nicely done.

  8. I hope she won the competition. That cake deserves to win. Maybe she could bake a 'world peace' cake next.

  9. I like how you combined two consecutive prompts! I missed last week too and never thought of combining them. A threatened contestant was the one to take the cake! - michele


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