Wednesday 27 March 2024

Manifestation Magic

Imparting dance lessons to Persons With Disability (PWD) was tough.

She trained them wonderfully.

Photo Prompt- Dale Rogerson
She knew nothing was impossible.

Her dream University beckoned.

She often saw the building through her netted-curtain.

Photo Prompt- Roger Bultot
It was always there in front of her.

In her last attempt, she was rejected.

They said she lacked extracurriculars.

In the past year, she had diligently done her homework.

Training PWD was one of her accomplishments.


She was confident of her acceptance this time.

Drawing the curtain, she caressed the photograph of the University.

She had put it up on the wall in her room for manifestation magic.

100 Words Story for Friday Fictioneers

Could not participate last week. Have used last week's photo prompt too.

Does she make it to her dream University this time? What do you think?

Do you believe in manifestation? Have you experienced "manifestation magic"?

Please share in the comments below.


  1. Two for the price of one! A tour de force!

  2. I love how you merged the two prompts, Anita. Well done!

  3. A nice bringing together of both prompts, and a story of hope. We'll done.

  4. Dear Anita,
    Nice meldin of two prompts.

  5. I like her benevolence with intent at self-improvement. I absolutely believe in focused intent and positive outcomes.

  6. p.s. I'm "Anonymous" above.

  7. Very nice and smooth combining of prompts. Good storyline. Well done, Anita
    ~ Nancy

  8. Nicely done, Anita.

  9. I love her indomitable spirit! And yours--two prompts brought together :)

  10. The above comment is from Granonine.

  11. She deserves to be accepted. She's put in the hard work and called in a little magic to help. Nicely told tale of two prompts!

  12. I enjoy her determination and positive attitude. Also, nice use of both prompts! -Angela

  13. Good job combining the two...and look it finally allowed me to sign in!

  14. Hopeful and determined. A lovely story, and great combination.

  15. I wouldn’t do much say I believe in manifestation magic itself, more so that it helps keep it in top of mind of the person and prioritizes it in their mind. I think she’ll get in this time as she addressed what was needed.

  16. truly magical to combine two picture prompts into one story. well done. :)

  17. Excellent use of two prompts in one, well done.


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