Wednesday 29 August 2018

The Haunted House

When my parents selected a new apartment for us to move in, I just didn't see what they saw.
"What's wrong with this home?"
"This place used to be haunted."
My sentence was like a hint.
PHOTO PROMPT © Nathan Sowers
I often say- "one never knows what is hidden from the sight or mind".
From past experience, my parents had enough reasons to believe me.

Spending a few hours at the local library and pouring through history books informed us that the same spot used to host a haunted house!
The image in the books looked exactly like what had appeared in my mind...

Have you ever visited a place and felt queer or uneasy? How much do you rely on your instinct? Do share in the comments below.

100 Words Story
Linking with- Friday Fictioneers, #MidWeekFlash
& ABC Wednesday - H for Haunted, Home, House, Hint, Host, Hours, Hidden, History


  1. Dear Anita,

    Congratulations. You used all the H words



  2. You certainly hit the 'H's' this week. I felt quite out of breath reading it.

  3. Good use of both challenges! Well done. I like to think I rely on instinct but emotions can cloud them over quickly.

  4. The mind is a strange thing to understand. - Margy

  5. All those H's--quite alliterative, and very effective.

  6. There have been times when my instincts showed me the better way.

  7. spooky.. i have never really felt this

  8. You must be very intuitive to sense the unseen. This is a gift. Nice story.

  9. I would expect here to be a rational explanation for the feelings, even if it isn't easy to identify. Maybe there's some trigger that warns the person of a threat to their safety. That said, I've had some strange experiences...

  10. Brilliant usage of both the challenges. But you gave the story an eeriness in so few words.

  11. My maternal grandma's home was weird and musty

  12. Interesting use of prompts this week and plenty of H's indeed. Thanks for taking part.

  13. Sounds like your character has a peculiar gift for sniffing our ghosts. Itshould be interesting to follow this family as they move in.

  14. Wow. Only realised from the comments that this was a challenge post. It is very well written and is genuinely scary.

  15. My kind of stories…. love them

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  16. A haunted house? Help! It was an effective combination of the two challenges.

  17. Wow! Anita, you are a true gem who plays with prompts skillfully.

    MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts


Your words mean a lot to me.

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