Friday 3 April 2020

Things Are Going South

Three friends were discussing their next vacation in a conference-call.

One of the friends said:
"Like the birds, I am planning to go South!"
"Of all places? Why?"
"Not a single COVID-19 case there!"

The second friend said: 
"I will keep going North and meet you at Antarctica!"
"How will that be possible?"
"If I keep going North, I will eventually go South!"
If you keep going North, you will eventually go South, but if you keep going East, you will never go West.

The third friend said:
"Sorry guys! I'll settle for staycation. No vacation for me!"
"Things are going south."

"Massive loss in Stock market... Don't think I will be able to afford any vacations..."

100 words story
Where are things going for you? Are you planning your travel dreaming of a post-coronavirus world?
Stay Home. Stay Safe. Take Care.

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