Sunday 8 March 2015

Monkey Business

Writer's Ezine Anniversary Issue- April 2015
HE was always larger than life for her.
HE was the one she could remember.
She loved HIM passionately since inception.
Complete surrender & faith; no question.

She wrote letters to HIM every time,
Creatively expressing in prose/rhyme,
When life sprung up marvels or surprises,
When she earned brickbats or won prizes.

Those letters she didn't know where to post.
No idea about the address of her dost!
As many homes were HIS abode,
Which path to travel, the right road?

She was wondering about HIM that morn,
Philosophically thinking why she was born.
A group of monkeys appeared out of nowhere.
They started screeching with crazy antics there.

From her home's comfort, she marvelled evolution.
Outside her room, she heard a loud commotion.
Then, she saw a baby monkey had got entangled,
The electric wire had made its body mangled.

The monkeys looked jittery & had no clue.
They started beseeching for answers what to do.
Some of them seemed to implore clear & loud-
"Can you help us save our child, dear crowd?"

She started crying seeing the emotional sight.
She felt so shocked & helpless at the sorry plight.
To set things right, she hadn't any magic wand.
She invoked HIM to join in & lend a helping-hand.

While the onlookers maintained a safe-distance,
And the monkeys tried to bridge the gap that instance,
Just then, one person threw a stone at the simians;
More people too stoned feeling it was self-defense.

The monkeys cried and their group exhibited violence.
They started attacking people, having lost their sense.
The police had to come in to disperse the mob & anger,
The last monkey to be evicted was the dejected mother.

She was very heartbroken to witness this event- a curse.
She questioned why & how HE watched bad getting worse?
Then, the worst happens surely because HE wills?
How can HE allow such events that send down chills?

She wrote letters expressing what she wanted to say. 
Why HE created when HE had to destroy this way?
She wants her unsent letters to be published & to reach HIM soon.
When HE reads & changes HIS monkey business- that'll be a boon...

Note- HIM, HE & HIS - refer to GOD...  
Have you asked HIM similar questions? Do share in the comments below.

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 52; the fifty-second edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with Metro Diaries by "Namrata". To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 03

Linking with- 
IndiSpire- Unsent Letters  
This post has been written for Prompt of the Month; a feature of Writer's Ezine
Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Nice take on the prompt Anita.... :)

  2. letter for a god ! interesting take

  3. By far the best take on unsent letter I have read many a posts....yours is so different and touching soul-sis. Loved it to bits.

  4. We all ask many questions when things go wrong. Wish we had some direct contact with God when we need it. A touching poem.
    P. S. - I hate onlookers.

  5. I think all of us have some unsent letters and the address is always missing.

  6. What a unique approach to the topic! Good one Anita.

  7. The way we humans can act is so downright appalling so many times. I hope those unsent letters by the girl serve as an inspiration for humanity.

  8. Wow, this is such a fresh take on the topic. Very well written. Loved it!

    Aditi's Monologue

  9. so touching Anita! We all ask questions to HIM, but the way you have touched the topic is great!

  10. Very touching poem Anita. Wish we can interact with God directly. All the best!

    Someone is Special

  11. Strange are the ways of life ... is what I have concluded.

  12. Yeah. I agree with Saravana. Wish we could interact with God directly.

  13. Touching poem, Anita... I felt very sad... It is painful that we human beings are the most inhumane. Yes, even I have asked God many questions like you... He had answered through people, though books/magazines... Some he has answered, some are yet to be. Probably, he would answer them when we need them the most...

    This poem is one among thousands! Well written, dear... TC! Keep smiling :)

  14. Love urr thought process..only u can come up with this idea for this prompt :)



  15. A letter to GOD - one all of us ought to write I guess - after all, we probably all have similar questions to ask HIM/HER...

    very nice piece! ATB for BAT :-)

  16. HE would prefer to keep mum and that always makes me question HIS existence. I hope there must be someone behind the clouds

    My Blogaton post Letter of A Girl

  17. Very beautiful poem, very soulful , Loved to go through.

  18. Anita,
    The questioning is so significant. But can't we find our own answers in the questions?
    The Structure and the rhyme scheme is magically drafted . Good luck for BAT. =)

  19. Its poignant .. heart wrenching .. I used to ask such questions when I was naive and innocent now, you know, I have become 'gyaani' but bless HIM not apathetic.. so though I have stopped asking .. By HIS grace , i have not stopped 'doin' rather 'trying to prevent'
    Beautiful post Anita .. so much depth in so simple words- a feat !

  20. Somehow I always think we go to God when we are helpless...sometimes even before thinking of helping ourselves.. Does God have anything to do with what is happening on earth? I dont know..

    Like it :) All the best for BATOM

  21. One word @Aniota ji - *SPEECHLESS* after reading this wonderful and a touching blogpost
    Love the way you rhyme every single line...


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