Friday 6 March 2015

A Life Full of Colour

She had worked so hard on her garden & the pretty and colourful flowers were the reward of her effort.

That day when she woke up, and like always when she went to her garden to greet her plants & flowers, she was shocked to see that a thief had picked all her flowers... 

There was not a single flower in her garden!

No time to grieve as it was Holi* and her family and friends fed her sweets, put colours on her and hugged her saying "HAPPY HOLI!"

As her eyes wondered to one patch of her garden, she let out a cry of joy seeing that her Mushroom-cultivation had been successful!
PHOTO PROMPT - © Erin Leary
From Friday Fictioneers; PHOTO PROMPT – © Erin Leary
She excitedly planned a dish for the lunch menu- fresh fried Mushrooms as everyone in her family loved Mushrooms!

She philosophized- "Mushrooms have no colour, yet they are prized by their lovers! They add variety, taste and meaning."

Just because her flowers had been stolen didn't mean that her life was not a life full of colours... 

No thief could steal her hope, ideas and enthusiasm, and soon even her garden would regain its glory and be full of colour!

Note- *Holi - Festival of colours celebrated annually during Spring in India. These days, Holi is celebrated all over the world.  
Happy Holi everyone! Hope our lives be always full of colour!

Selected as a WOW Post HERE.
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WOW- A Life Full of Colour
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Friday Fictioneers


  1. Happy colorful Holi Anita. Thank GOD her mushrooms were there!!!

  2. Could not happen to me, I hate garden work ! I only like to sit in a garden :)!

  3. Happy Holi, Anita! Enjoyed reading this post about mushrooms and flowers :)

  4. Dear Anita,

    I love fried mushrooms and holi sounds like fun. Happy Holi and



  5. Anita, what a wonderful celebration of color. I'm not interested in the mushrooms, have never enjoyed the flavor.

  6. i like the last sentence,great

  7. Two posts in one and both interestingly narrated!

  8. Either 2 posts as Uppal surmised or way off count …

    but I'm no judge on FF rules so just thanks for the Holi related tale then, Tay.

  9. Happy Holi to you too :) your ability to combine post is awesome :)

  10. Happy holi to all of us - not too late, I hope. Any festival of love is good even though the flowers have been stolen. Lovely story.

  11. Happy Holy even if it might be a little late. :-)

  12. They say, we always have reasons to be happy... This article expresses that very well! I liked the way you made colourless mushrooms to add colours in her life on the Holi day! Yes, nobody can steal creativity, hope and enthusiasm! You have creatively explained it to us :)
    Belated Holi Wishes, dear :)


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