Tuesday 24 February 2015

Repeat The Stories

Indian Bloggers

The old typewriter had a mind of its own.”

Photo by Barbara W. Beacham
Photo by Barbara W. Beacham; PhotoPrompt- Mondays Finish The Story

"Oh really?" the little girl opened her eyes and mouth wide as her grandfather told her yet another story, while her granny fed her.

It seems grandfather's typewriter typed stories words on its own. If grandfather attempted to type the word- "excited", then the typewriter had either the word's synonym or antonym or a totally different word out-of-context! The tone and meaning got changed!

She loved the stories of her grandparents. They had a new story at every meal!

Actually, they were forced to narrate a new story as she didn't want any repetitions! In a way, she was responsible for their creativity...

All was fine till her grandparents passed away.

An aspiring author, she felt heartbroken as she had wanted to listen to all her grandparents' stories yet again and write the same for her maiden book...

Alas! Repetitions wouldn't be possible as the storytellers were gone...

She found her grandfather's typewriter.

Believing that his story about the typewriter was true, she fondled it, fed papers into it, and requested the typewriter, "Repeat the stories..."

I do know my own mind. The trouble is my mind changes and then
I have to get acquainted with it all over again.
Lucy Maud Montgomery

Linking with-
In Other Words
Mondays Finish The Story
MicroBlog Mondays-New & Repetition


  1. Will the typewriter obey a new owner? Interesting idea to have a typewriter acting like a pre-recorded player, churning out typed stories.

    1. Thanks for stopping by & sharing your views, Jessica.
      What happens after the young lady requests the typewriter to repeat the stories of her grandparents is anyone's guess! When she was small, she had heard the story about the typewriter having a mind of its own.
      Now it's testing time! Was that story true? Or a figment of imagination?

  2. Another wonderful tale Anita! I love your story! Thank you for participating again, and see you next week! Be well... ^..^

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words, Barb! Great to participate :)

  3. I loves every prompt that has even a slightest mention of Typewriter .. Too Obsessed :D .. nice tale :)

    1. Have you used a typewriter in this birth, Ankur?
      If no, looks like pichle janam ka connection!

  4. Great ending for your story. Loved the story.

    1. Thanks a lot for stopping by & reading! Glad to know :)

  5. So much fun to create a story, then leave your readers to complete it. Good job, Anita.

    1. Nice when our imagination is at play! Thanks for your nice words, Linda!

  6. This is fun, enjoyed it!

    1. Thanks for your maiden comment here! Do drop in often :)

  7. Anita, loved the idea.. and 'Repeat the stories'. Wish there was typewriter like that.

    1. Indeed! This looks like a wish now. Maybe in the future there'll be such advanced robots.

  8. Maybe communication will one day be all about telepathy and the right button or key will be a smile :) A lovely story Anita ~ :)

    1. Thanks you so much for stopping by & for your appreciation!
      I share your views!
      Telepathy- where words aren't necessary. Amazing superpower where we know what the other people wish/communicate in their head! I have written about this in two of my previous posts :)
      Sure to happen soon :)

  9. What a splendid story! I think, this is the story about every relationship... People may die but, relationships don't! How differently you have narrated it! Superb, Anita!
    TC! Keep smiling :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your views, Sindhu. I agree with you.
      People may go, but the stories remain...
      TC! Keep smiling :)

  10. This is so beautiful... The loss of loved ones... And the struggle to move on...
    Good one!

    1. Right! We try to look for the same comfort...
      Glad you liked it, Satya!

  11. Beautifully penned, Anita. The never-ending tale....

  12. Oh wow! What an idea, Anita:) Salutes to your creativity...
    Loved the open end hanging like that..

  13. Very beautifully wevaed Anita.. I loved your idea, hats off to your creativity :)

  14. Open-ended.......open to imagination, speculation......!


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