Friday 14 November 2014

Blog To Feed A Child - II

Today, November 14th, is celebrated as Children’s Day in India to commemorate Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary. 

Globally, Children’s Day is celebrated on November 20th each year. On the same date in 1954, the declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 

The fact is that after so many years of India’s independence and also United Nations' adoption of the  Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, many children, especially in the Indian sub-continent, are yet to experience a good quality of life. 


Many don’t even have access to basic necessities like water, food, clothes & shelter...

In the Maslow’s Hierarachy of Needs, Food is a Basic Need- the first level of the hierarchy. Once the Physiological needs are met, the next level becomes important and so on.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ; Pic Source: Wikimedia Commons
Thus, thinking of better facilities like education comes later, after the basic needs are met.
Many children are at a disadvantage- emotionally, physically, economically… This is a serious blow for our country’s future, and also the future of our world.

How can we aim for excellence when the standards are low for children from economically-disadvantaged households?

What is the solution to reach Self-actualization- the highest level of Maslow’s Hierarchy?

The answer is start and address the lower level needs first. 

Imagine an India where no child is hungry and every child gets to eat healthy food.
Food is fuel for our body and helps in our cognitive and physical development.
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
As future citizens, children will consequently empower our country’s development & progress.

For a bright future of our country, we need to plan & start today.
Let us actively participate and do our bit to help remove hunger. 

‘Unity is Strength’ & our efforts will bear fruit. 

We too can help by supporting the mission of AKSHAYA PATRA – an organization that provides Mid-Day Meals to 1.4 million children in schools now. 
To help provide Mid-Day Meals, we can-

Together we can successfully accomplish the mission of reaching 5 million children by 2020. 

May everyday be Children’s Day with good quality food and education for all children.

This is my second blog post as a part of my & BlogAdda’s Bloggers Social Responsibility. 
My other posts:
Blog To Feed A Child - I
Blog To Feed a Child - III
The Little Santa 
Thanks a lot, Blogadda & Akshaya Patra, for this noble cause & great opportunity.


Pics Courtesy -  Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.
I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

"Blog to Feed a Child”
For every blog post we write, BlogAdda will sponsor meals for an Akshaya Patra beneficiary for an entire year, as a part of their Bloggers Social Responsibility.

To learn more, be involved and help Akshaya Patra, visit their site- Akshaya Patra
Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. great initiative a great post to promote it

    Hunger Is Hindrance

  2. Article which can do wonders..if properly executed on daily basis..Do keep us updated

    1. Truly Nikhil. More power to all do-gooders. May no child be hungry or uneducated.

  3. Anna-dana is considered the noblest in our tradition. Good to read that Akshay Patra is doing its share. And so are you, Anita :)

    1. Thanks for sharing such nice words, Beloo :)
      Proud privilege thanks to BlogAdda's & Akshaya Patra's initiative.

  4. Wow, what a beautiful initiative, you inspire me to write a blog for the kids too ! :)
    I think i'll write one today :)

    1. That's wonderful to know! Looking forward to read your post :)
      Do blog and feed a child for a year. Truly noble thanks to BlogAdda & Akshaya Patra.

  5. maslow's triangle. so philosophical and answers most of the common questions about life.

    1. So true, Paresh. We need to address basic needs first...

  6. Great initiative Anita :)

  7. As Maslow's Hierarchy shows, food is a basic need. It is sad that this basic need remains unfulfilled for millions of children for no fault of theirs. However, this can be corrected by people like us who are lucky to have been born with so many of our needs already fulfilled.


Your words mean a lot to me.

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