Wednesday 17 December 2014

Wish Joy And Warmth!

People ought to have hearts of gold!
Why is everyone's behaviour so cold?

Is it tough to adopt warmth as a habit?
Can't we be warm people, bit by bit?

Unfortunately, many haven't any time to stare,
Won't we try to incorporate some care?

Time is ticking, someone wishes joy now.
Can't we afford some warm-wishes anyhow?
Pic from Poetry Jam

A ready smile, a caring word, hug or touch...
Pure thoughtful gestures/gifts- don't cost much!

A smile, word or pat can work wonders...
Is some warmth & joy available in our purse?

Spread the joy, evaporate the stress...
A happy world will be a better place.

Winter has just begun; Spring isn't far behind!
Say 'Hi' to warmth, spread the joy & be kind!

Let us all celebrate the Christmas cheer,
With ALL, and not just our 'near & dear' ...

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you & your family!
Wish you all the very best! Be blessed, smile & stay happily!

Linking with-
ABCW - W For Wish, Warmth, Warm, Wishes, Work, Wonders, Winter
Poetry Jam- Spread The Joy 

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Yes, those "small things" - a smile, a kind word - are really big things in the impact they have. We never know how that smile or word might have lifted the spirits of someone who really needed it that day. I enjoyed this poem. A warmer world would be a very good thing - human warming instead of global warming, LOL.

    1. Thanks for your maiden visit & comment here, Sherry!
      yes, tiny gestures can make the world so wonderful...
      I totally agree that "human warming instead of global warming" is too good :)
      Then, LOL means- LOTS OF LOVE :)

  2. Hey that was lovely...
    Well written!!!

  3. Merry Christmas to you as well and thanks for the joyful poem! And indeed let us spread the joy to all.

  4. Lovely lines, induces the spirit of celebration. :)

  5. festive lines Anita ! definitely spreading the festive cheers :)

  6. Happy world will be a better place for sure! Lovely thoughts/ Lovely poem!

  7. Nicely written there! Have some wonderful holidays! But will there ever be a happy world? :(
    Pessimistic me! Yes, I guess there will be in a future :D

  8. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance...
    A really nice poem...
    Lets hope and pray that world become a better place to live in

  9. Merry Christmas Anita and lovely words.

  10. A lovely poem, Anita. The more we spread joy, the more we receive it.

  11. you've got that joy in your heart


  12. Wonderful Words Anita, I share your Warm sentiments....

    'Joy to the World and all mankind '

    Such Welcoming Words to Warm ones Heart,
    thank you so much,

    Best Wishes,
    ABCW team.

  13. Wonderful message to the world! May we make the terrorists understand that destruction gives no happiness, that others' tears won't bring them happiness and that happy children give them happiness! May this message reach all...

    TC! Keep smiling :)

  14. Your poem shows us the importance of spreading the joy with everyone we encounter....not just those among family or friends. It takes so little to be kind to those in shops, restaurants, etc. in our midst. Or to smile at those we pass on a street, or the one who checks out our book in the library. So true that spreading joy evaporates stress....I'd say it is good medicine. Smiles. Merry Christmas to you!

  15. thanks foe sharing your joy with us

    have a lovely Wednesday

    much love...

  16. For some, it's pretty easy to get Grinched up and be cold at the holiday.

  17. Small thoughtful things can bring big lost/hidden smile..what could be a better job than spreading smile around and you are doing it really well...Merry Christmas. :)

  18. I love your poem yes spread jpy to all

  19. Your thoughts are mine since a very long time..... i try to give it every moment possible... and i keep on trying it...

  20. Spreading joy one smile at a time should not be hard. Merry Christmas to you too!

  21. Wish you too a lot of joy and warmth. People have forgotten joy and warmth sadly.

  22. ANITA,i loved your poem! Thanks for reminding us about a few kindly actions for the coming festive season! Praying for your health and happiness now and for always! You're doing better everyday! Kudos!!!!

  23. Spread the joy - your poem just is a vibrant symphony of joy. Brilliant.

  24. Wishing you the best for the new year! May your smile and warmth always warm the hearts of those around you.

  25. So much joy to share,.. and the more we share the more we get..

  26. Spread the cheer and warmth, smiles ~ Merry Christmas to you and yours ~

  27. Ah.. such a busy crowd of folks

    who shut down eyes.. ears.. and tongues in connection...

    So i decide to dance instead to touch the parts that are no

    longer seen.. spoken.. or heard as such by heard of herd...


Your words mean a lot to me.

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