Wednesday 17 December 2014

What's My Crime? #PeshawarAttack

16th December 2014 morning,
I was snug under my blanket,
Peacefully sleeping and dreaming.
Mom woke me up saying we'll get late...

The first day at school for me- a 5-year-old!
Mom made me wear my new dress.
Also my warm clothes lest I feel cold.
Papa said his little princess looked fresh!

Army Public School in Peshawar

The entrance of the Army Public School in Peshawar. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images; Source

I wanted to cry & not leave...
I was anxious and feeling blue...
"You'll make friends & shouldn't grieve..."
What lay in store we had no clue...

Some gunmen entered & started firing.
Were these the friends my parents had mentioned?
I cried & screamed seeing everyone falling...
There was blood all over, so many were gunned...
Source: NDTV (AFP)

My toy-gun is nice; it's safe & doesn't kill...
Mamma! Papa! Take me out of here!
I can't stand school; it makes me ill...
Wrap me in your arms where there's no fear.

Put me under my blanket where I'm secure.
A bullet found its way to my tiny frame,
I yelled in pain & wished my parents were near.
The monsters had succeeded in their deadly game..
Source: NDTV (AFP)

Mamma! Papa! I can now see brilliant light!
Place looks great, but I'm missing you all the time. 
I'm at Heaven's gate! God appears in my sight!
Dear God, Why #PeshawarAttack? What's my crime? 

Embedded image permalink
Sand Art by Shri Sudarsan Pattnaik on Puri Beach, Odisha, India ; Source

5-Year-Old killed at first day of school is now a news-report unfortunately.
Shame On Taliban! Massacred school-students at Peshawar, Pakistan, so brutally...
When will the world learn to speak The Language Of Love?
A peaceful world is what the our innocent children deserve...

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  1. This is such a painful day for all of us. How can someone kill children? I saw these pictures early morning today and it saddened me. Such a moving poem.

    1. So sad Saru. Terrible. Shocking images & news-reports.
      I have shed many tears while writing this.

  2. Certainly very painful and my silent prayers are there with them..!!!
    Hope at least now the children are in the safer place...Ameen :(

  3. I pity Taliban, for they think that they act in the name of God/Alla but they are tools in the hands of Satan, the big destroyer of humanity. We ate all creatures of a loving God/ Alla.. We have to respect all creatures: humanity, animals, plants.
    May God bless you and keep you for ever and ever.

  4. An eye for an eye makes the world blind. Taliban out to realize that killing innocent children is no way to get 'justice'

  5. So touching Anita! The mothers can never overcome this trauma in their life. Please go through my post in which I have tried to portray a mother's feeling.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Excellent note to all today, Anita. It is so hard to understand why God allows this horrible evil in the world. And such awful meanness to children who are totally innocent.

  7. Worst form of fanaticism....God bless the little soul in peace and give enough courage to those parents.

  8. It will take a long long time to forget this. :(
    Great post Anita.

  9. There are no words to describe this kind of act, anything you say seems to be lacking. You did your own bit to pay homage to the innocent, blameless child, Anita.

  10. Though many people are saying that whatever has happened to Pakistan is all because of what they did to us, but I frankly think this is one of the worst terrorist attacks, they should not have did so with those kids....

  11. you have painted the horrific picture of the attack with this touching poem

    Dreams Have Been Killed

  12. Poignant and I am fighting back the tears that are swelling in my eyes..will indeed haunt us forever!

  13. We were just discussing about the tragedy of this sweet little girl. You've nicely put it in this poem. May God bless her soul. Its the most heinous crime ever perpetrated.

  14. Such a touching poem ! I have not many words though there is so much pain in the heart.

  15. beautifully written .. and so painful, brought tears

  16. I read about it. Makes me helpless, mad and very very sad.

  17. I have no words to react to this gruesome incident. I just have prayers in my heart for the families affected.

  18. So sad that so many innocent kids were killed by devils!
    Your words really strikes the heart and make it bleed.
    Good one

  19. It's so painful when you see such cowards killing young children. It's horrifying and scare. Your poem is sensitive tale on the fact that children are children everywhere. It touched the heart.

  20. Brutal and cruel massacre of innocent defenseless children.No words are adequate to condemn this horrendous crime.
    Your post in the words of a child made my eyes moist.

  21. How the parents must be bearing .... brutal,cruel, barbaric..

  22. I am saddened by the fact that in-spite of getting support from India in this matter Pakistan still released the mastermind of Mumbai attack. I am sorry to note that state that support terrorism suffer like this. Every time I think of those innocent children I shudder in fear and think - RIP Humanity.

  23. Painful, horrific, terrible - all these words fail to express what this barbaric act really is. But will things change after this?

  24. Poignant. Peshawar was a terrible tragedy. Avoidable tragedy...

  25. Heart feels heavy... I seriously think what is in the minds of the terrorists??? Why do they do all these??? They seem to be mentally ill... They are in a state of not wanting to be happy... Somebody help them!!!

  26. Being a father of a lil one, i read such news with a heavy lump !

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