Wednesday 1 May 2019

Snow Queen

Sana could not believe her eyes seeing the snow.
PHOTO PROMPT - Roger Bultot
It hadn’t snowed in their town for the last five years...
Everyone knew it was the effect of climate change, but no one would do anything about it.
Sana had taken it on herself to form a ‘Green Army’ and plant trees.
They had planted thousands of saplings in the last five years.
Their efforts had clearly borne fruits snow!

“What a birthday treat!” Sana danced.
When she opened her home’s door, a surprise awaited her.

There were many gifts and flower-bouquets for her in the hands of the grateful citizens.

What do you feel about climate change? Are you concerned and doing your bit to save the environment?

100 Words Story for the Friday Fictioneers


  1. Sweet story, Anita, but as I commented elsewhere, I think it is already too late to save our planet.

  2. If only it were that simple to reverse the damage we have done and continue to do.

  3. Climate fiction is the coming thing. I think there'll be more of it as the emergency deepens

  4. Dear Anita,

    It's nice that she could turn things around. Lovely story.



  5. It's easy to think the actions of one person would make no difference, but if such actions inspired all of us to join forces things really could change.

    Keith's Ramblings is a click away!

  6. A sweet story, and it would be great if the solution were as simple as planting trees. It is true that we all can do our part, but as long is there is industrialization, we need to come up with much more sophisticated responses. Kudos to the industries who have made costly and successful efforts to control the pollution their factories could just turn loose into the water, air, and land.

  7. Wouldn't it be nice if that was all it took.

  8. I agree with Dale and was about to make the same comment. Good story.

  9. A sweet, positive story. We can't change things back, but we can stop the rapid progression, and planting trees sure helps. Snow will still be there, but maybe in unexpected places. Weather patterns change with the climate.


  11. Love the optimism in your story.

  12. Enjoyed! Sometimes, one person can change things!

  13. I love the story. Very topical & fresh. I'm scared stiff of climate change since I seen a documentary (which I'm planning to review on the blog in the future where a meteorite hit earth) but I'm trying to remain jolly. I don't drive so I think I'm doing my bit in that way. I did freeze when I seen the documentary but will look up what I need to do. But Trump: numpty. And I'm not that even enlightened on the topic but jesus. A great write, brilliant highlighting of an important topic in a gorgeously written way.

  14. Planting trees is a start, every small bit helps. It's always good to hope for the best.


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