Wednesday 17 January 2018


Families were enjoying their Sunday at the amusement park.
As she waited for her turn to board the two-seater cabin of the next ride, she realized that she would be alone.
There were couples – husband-wife, brother-sister, parent-child etc waiting.
PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll
When she boarded her cabin and was about to shut the door, a little boy said, “Rosy, wait for me!”
He entered and sat beside her taking her hand in his.
She was baffled.

How did the little boy know the name that her boyfriend addressed her with?

She hadn’t been called ‘Rosy’ ever since her boyfriend died 10 years ago...

What do you think happened next? Have you ever faced any such situation where strangers knew your name? Do share in the comments below.

Linking this 100 words story with-
Friday Fictioneers & ABC Wednesday- B for Baffled, Board, Brother, Boy, Boyfriend


  1. Great beginning for a sci-fi or ghost story

  2. Equally mysterious and creepy!

  3. Can there be a rational explanation, or is this proof of reincarnation, or a spirit world? Great setup.

  4. I'm a little creeped out by the boy, but maybe he's just a happy messenger from the boyfriend :)

  5. This could be the start of very creepy story! Great stuff

    Click to read my FriFic!

  6. Yes, I have, while I was at work. It had the rational explanation that they had recognised me from a photo. How dull!
    Your story on the other hand is far from dull. The really creepy bit is when the small boy takes her hand in both his. I bet her boyfriend used to do that.

  7. wonderful story, love stories like this

    Have a splendid ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

  8. Reincarnation. Guess she'll have to wait another ten years before he's proper boyfriend material again.

  9. Good story, sure he was a good seat mate.

  10. Nice... boyfriend coming back in a new way.

  11. A good beginning! That happened to me in college. I was new to campus, to the city, and to using my formal name. The woman who greeted me by my nickname (and known by no one yet) was not in any of my classes. She turned out to be in a religious cult.

  12. Interesting.... and spooky

  13. Wow.. quite a start to an interesting story.

  14. Aah, a rebirth story. I don't remember reading one in these challenges before. Great.

  15. Baffling indeed! Kala chashma rocks:)

  16. Reincarnation or something else? Made for a good read

  17. Yes. I was on JEOPARDY! 20 years ago, and people, not just in my city, "knew" me.

  18. She'll have to wait for him to grow up a bit more first!

  19. I liked this - nice and mysterious - but then I love the idea of reincarnation! :)

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  20. Amazing web log and really fascinating stuff you bought here! I positively learned plenty from reading through a number of your earlier posts in addition and set to drop a discuss this one!

  21. it was nice and crispy story thanks for sharing


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