Monday 24 April 2017

Time To Think #AToZChallenge

Many times we lament & complain-
There's no time even to stare or think.
We long to revisit the past again...
Time has simply passed by in a blink...

While time was with us & by our side,
We never realized the good times' worth...
Now that it's gone on its roller-coaster ride,
How can we rejoin that time's mirth?

Whether it's terrible or terrific, time passes.
Tough to catch time, leave alone enslave!
With the time in hand, time to restart afresh!
Time to accept time's gifts & be brave!

The present is a gift; thus it's called present!
We can't stick this present (time) with glue!
Time to think, act, trust, hope & be present!
'Tough times don't last, but tough people do'.

Do you find time terrible or is it terrific? Do you enjoy time's gifts?
If you liked this, you may even like my poem- JUST NOW

I'm participating in my maiden #AToZChallenge. T For - Time, Think, Tough, Terrible, Terrific, Trust
My Theme is- Poems About Life.


  1. I've entered the phase of life--parenting a teen--where it's said one has long days and short years. That is, it seems like I have to pack a lot into a day, and wonder how did it get to be 2017 already? Wasn't it just 2009? :-)

    1. And it you want to visit, find me here:

  2. The first stanza is so my life right now. Time flies and what have I accomplished? Not much it often seems. One thing I've discovered about time: if you want to slow it down, think of it often. It only flies when you are having so much fun that you don't think about it.

    T is for the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis

  3. Time is fleeting.
    But during A to Z, it seems to be rushing along even faster!
    6 more posts to go, and then I have to catch up on 2 of my pending posts.
    Happy AtoZing, Anita!
    Chicky @

  4. Your post is so true. We seldom enjoy the moment, only to realize later that precious time was lost... well written

  5. Excellent perspective on time. We all have the same number of minutes and hours in a day. It's funny how sometimes time goes slow, and other times, too fast. Being in the present is a skill to be mastered. My Virtual Vineyard

  6. I love that line,"Tough times don't last, but tough people do." VERY TRUE

  7. This reminds me of another poem I read as a child. Found it, the internet is amazing!

    "What is this life if, full of care,
    We have no time to stand and stare.
    No time to stand beneath the boughs
    And stare as long as sheep or cows..."

    Leisure by Henry Davies

    Maui Jungalow

  8. Enjoyed the poem! I like to drink in memories, take my time, live spontaneously.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  9. Loved the last line, Anita. A great insight indeed :)

  10. I've learned to just enjoy each day and all that's in it. Whether good or bad, there will never be another one quite like it.
    Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer, A to Z: Editing Fiction

  11. Truer words haven't been spoke. Loved reading it, Anita:)


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