Wednesday 19 April 2017

Princess To Queen #AToZChallenge

"Walk straight & tall; Sit properly,
Don't burp or slurp; Eat nicely; 
Take care of your body & face;
Carry yourself with grace...
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Don't climb a tree or ride a bike;
Behave well; Be prim & lady-like.
Don't argue or raise your voice;
You're a Princess- you've no choice..."
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Supposed-to-be Queen after princess,
Felt like a pawn on a board of Chess!
Despite this, she had a mind of her own.
They couldn't set her life's tune or tone.
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The princess walked & talked like a Queen;
To suppress her freedom, they were keen.
They jabbered; choicest abuses they hurled...
"She walks as though she owns the world!"
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Knowingly she behaved as though she didn't care-
She had developed her lasting shield & anti-glare!
A pretty crown adorns her head & soul now.
They can't see it; can't appreciate or exclaim-"Wow!" 
👸 👑
Do you feel the world imposes & can't "see" talents & wishes? Are you conscious of your crown? Do you feel like a Princess or Prince and soon-to-be Queen or King? 

Linking with - Three Word Wednesday- Jabber, Knowingly, Lasting


  1. You hit the nail at its head, Anita. :)

  2. Brilliant Anita. A tight slap to the hypocrites who expect princess like behavior.

  3. This is so well written! You have captured the entire 'drama' which happens! I wish girls were taught how to be like this from a young age.

  4. Interesting, but I never had much to do with princesses and princes, kings and queens (except for Chess).

  5. We all have listened to that advice and the do this, do this, don't do that's of our parents. But we all find our own way eventually, don't we?
    My Virtual Vineyard

  6. While to be a princess might sound alluring, I think one would pay a great cost in personal freedom.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  7. Lofty expectations:) well expressed!

  8. I like your princess, with her inner strength. Coincidentally, I wrote about a female doing things her way today, too!

    The Ninja Librarian’s Favorite Characters

  9. Loved it... totally!!! carrying yourself with grace is one thing and suppressing in the name of gender another... the crown: they can see it and are damn scared of it IMO :)

  10. Take a bow! This is my favorite read for Q today. I totally loved it

    A Peice Of My Life

  11. A regal poem! According to the rules I can never be a princess.I don't mind!:)


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