Saturday 1 April 2017

Angry #AToZChallenge

Why do you get angry at someone who is angry with you?
Why to control one's emotions one hasn't any clue?

Erupting like a volcano means spewing lava molten,
Do you feel your anger will make you gain?

Does your anger dazzle & make you feel in control?
Have you ever tried holding a burning coal?
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
   -   Gautama Buddha

By your anger, how is the other person going to lose?
Your anger remains with you & can give the blues.

Your anger can bring dishonor, shame & disturbance,
Blurred vision, poor health condition, ill stance...

Anger is like a fire that can spread fast & burn.
Better to ensure that baseless anger is not born!

Anger for the right reasons & causes is welcome,
But, figuring them out, timing & taming is worrisome.

Release the flimsy anger, channelize the energy soon.
Remember that most of the times anger is not a boon.

Do you get angry with people? How do you deal with your anger? 
Please share in the comments below.

I'm participating in my maiden #atozchallenge - A for Angry
My Theme is- Poems About Life.

Three Word Wednesday- Dazzle, Erupt, Flimsy


  1. I rarely get angry. It is not a coal I want to carry.

    Donna Smith - Mainely Write

    1. That's great! Thanks for sharing my blog's link & for stopping by, Donna.

  2. I used to get very angry but then consciously started practising meditation and mindfulness. Glad to say it's largely under control now. That's true, the Buddha's words on anger. It hurts you the most.

    *A for Abundant: Shailaja/The Moving Quill*

    1. Thanks for sharing your tips, Shailaja.
      True that anger hurts us.
      Anger management is important.

  3. Became good at controlling my anger by trying to understand the other person's point of view. Also, making mail art helps to relax me - a form of meditation in some ways.

    Phillip | A is for artistamps

    1. That's great empathy, Phillip.
      Nice to learn about mail art.
      Creativity and artistic pursuits certainly uplift us.

  4. Wise words, Anita. With each passing incident where I let anger rule me i have learnt it is futile.

  5. I do, but I`ve become better at managing my anger. It is super weighty, and usually accompanied by guilt (whether rational or not). I try to take it easy, think YOLO, and do something that mellows me out (i.e. listen to music, dance, bake).

    Like the post, Anita. I`ll be back to check in on you through the month.

    1. Thanks for sharing your anger-management techniques & for your appreciation, Marna.
      I look forward to your visits here. You are most welcome :)

  6. Interesting to read another post on Anger. I do get angry and have no problem admitting it. I don't act on my anger though but meditate about it. Its helped me understand myself better.
    Anger #Lexicon of Leaving

    1. Anger can take us on a journey of self-introspection & betterment, provided we are conscious enough to recognize & meditate.
      Thanks for sharing, Kalpanaa.

  7. Good post to begin the challenge..Anita. Anger is something that only hurts us!

    I don't get angry, except when little kids and the elderly are ill-treated. Nasty people who hurt others make me angry. But I am not the sort who yells or throws things around. I just become supercalm and cold. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your views, Vidyaji.
      Totally agree. We get angry about so many things- people disrespecting our nation, throwing garbage & spitting on the road, not following traffic rules...huge list.

  8. It's been so long since I've dropped by your blog, Anita. Don't know why! But I hope you remember me; Shalini from Tale of two tomatoes :) So glad that I could read you again through A to Z and I'm not going to stop coming back. Missed your writes!
    Lovely poem and yes, I am emotional and the outbursts are frequent. I am learning though. Hope I can keep a check on it!
    Happy A to Z :)
    Thailand Travel Stories at Kohl Eyed Me
    26 Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

    1. Great to have you here again. Delighted to hear from you, Shalzzzz. Please do keep visiting :)
      Of course I do remember you!

  9. Great to see you are in the challenge this year. I have been doing it for 7-8 years. I rarely get angry anymore. Guess I grew out of it or learned a few lessons.

    1. That's cool & great! Thanks for sharing.
      It's is my maiden participation in this challenge, Patricia.
      Thrilled to have wonderful company!

  10. Lovely poem :)

    I get angry.. a lot.. I immediately stop talking when I feel my temper raising and try to calm myself by taking deep breaths. It helps :)

    Arts of Different Form

    1. Great tips, Swathi! Thank you.
      Establishing calmness with breath-management definitely works.Tried it myself :)

  11. I get more irritated than angry but I think some of that is due to age/maturity. I'll be 70 this year and realize anger is a waste of my meager resources. Great post!

    DB McNicol, author & traveler
    Theme: Oh, the places we will go!

    1. Truly Donna. Why waste our resources? :)
      I have experienced irritation being exhibited by people, who, unlike you, don't have the credentials of either age/maturity.

  12. Definitely anger is not a boon, hope we all could practice what is in this poem.


    1. Truly. Amen! Hope there are no angry people.


Your words mean a lot to me.

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