Friday 9 January 2015

Friend To Foe To Friend?

Despite being new to blogging, I won prizes.

One of my Social-Media 'friends' became my foe as she publicly accused me of plagiarism- that I have copied her ideas! 

I privately tried to reason it out with her that I never copy. 

She didn’t believe me & continued her allegations that affected my credibility.
PHOTO PROMPT – Jean L. Hays; With permission from Friday Fictioneers
What next? Quit blogging?

I put in extra effort & wrote many blog-posts to prove to the world that I’m no plagiarist.

Now my novel has been published under my pseudonym.

The same lady is singing praises of the author’s original work!

A foe turned friend?

This post is amongst the WOW Posts here.

My 100 Words Story for- 
WOW- This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Friday Fictioneers- Begin The Route
Two Shoes Tuesday- Next

Have you ever faced unfair allegations? How did you deal with them? Please share in the comments below.


  1. Amazing post Anita, I know you have that potential to convert anyone to your friend...

  2. Superb Anita! That shows the will to prove! Everyone faces challenges, but, how we take it makes the difference right?
    Now, I have a question, is this a fiction inspired by a true incident or not? Because, if it is a 100% true story, I want know about your novel...
    Waiting for your reply...
    TC! Keep smiling :)

    1. Thanks for your appreciation, Sindhu. I agree with you that our attitude- how we react to challenges is important.
      You are intuitive! Yes, it's a true life incident, except for the last 3 lines :)
      I am yet to write a novel :) If & when I do, I hope to publish it in my name & of course, inform all my friends :)
      Thank you so much for your support!
      TC! Keep smiling :)

    2. Will wait for that day! Best wishes dear... Hey, thanks a lot for your encouraging words in my latest posts... They are precious to me! Happy weekend!

    3. Thanks Sindhu!
      Your words are precious to me too!
      Best wishes! God bless :)

  3. Wonderful Story in a very few words. I'm curious to know Is it true?

    1. Delighted that you liked it, Ravish :) Yes, except for the last 3 lines!

  4. Simple and wonderful :) Loved a story after a while here ;) Best Wishes, Anita! (also, hoping that this is purely fiction :D )

    1. Thanks for your appreciation, Shanx :)
      It's reality & fiction as the last 3 lines are fiction!
      Wish it was purely fiction! May no one face unfair allegations :)

  5. Nicely done, Anita! A true story? :) If so, then congratulations are in order for the author's novel!

    1. Thanks Beloo. Yes, but for the last 3 lines :)
      I'll definitely inform when my novel is published!

  6. I loved this story, and the irony of the accuser offering praises for the novel actually written by the author she's attacked! Yes I have had this happen a couple times, and in both cases it really hurt my feelings because I love to write and would never need or desire to use someone else's words or story line, I'm sure that's true of you too! Sometimes we do come up with similar ideas or concepts, especially if we are familiar with the same experiences, etc. I am glad the writer (You?) did not give in and quit blogging or writing, that would be sad! I also wonder if such accusers are a bit jealous when someone writes well or does well with a post they've written so they feel the need to look for flaws do degrade it. Stand strong! You know in your heart what the truth is, proclaim it loudly and ignore those who would oppose you! :-)

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience & insights, Josie :)
      I share your feelings that I'll never want to take anyone's ideas. If & when I have been 'inspired', I always mention & link my source at the end.
      Coming up with similar ideas or concepts is possible as we share the same world! I have noticed this especially in the case of picture-prompts. Bloggers from different parts of the world come up with similar plots seeing the same photo! Doesn't mean that they have copied the idea! Plus, there are no prizes & no winners for submitting to such writing prompts. They are purely for the love of writing.
      Normally, I don't read the works of others before submitting my entry. If & when I do, & if I notice any similarity, I challenge myself to think different and present a unique story that no one can even think! :)

      You are very right that we know the truth. The non-believers don't deserve our explanation, time or attention! Better to channelize our energy to do what we love- write! Negativity like jealousy & slander can ruin one's image.
      I believe in the power of truth and that truth will triumph one day...

  7. Dear Anita,

    Some people are neither friend nor foe, just ones to watch out for.



    1. That's so true, Rochelle!
      Thanks for sharing this. Indeed we need to watch out :)
      Best of luck to all!

  8. The irony! Very well-written, Anita. Is this real or fiction? Such baseless accusations are too common.
    If, it's real, would love to read your novel.
    Have a great year ahead!

    1. Delighted that you liked it, Kiran :)
      It's a mix of both! last 3 lines are pure fiction as I am yet to write a novel. I hope to publish in my real name when I write one :)
      Thanks for your interest, support & motivation :)
      Thanks. Have a wonderful year ahead!

  9. Good story, Anita. As always, you know well to turn anything into a good story or a good friend. ;)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words & appreciation, Vinitha :)

  10. you will find such expereinces in life.. people are weird..

    have i experienced this oh yes .. if you read my old posts you will see that too.. 2012 was such a year ...

    good one Anita..


    1. True Bikram!
      Glad you got over it.
      May we all have the power to carry on :)

  11. Hi Anita

    Happy new year!!

    Congrats on the novel! what is the name of your book, do share with us :)

    1. Happy New Year, Ankita :)

      This is a Fiction. Yet to write a book! Will share info when I do!
      Congrats to you :)

  12. hey!! been long...nice post as always..missed several, will try to catch up. nice take on the prompt. and good luck to you. am sure you will be out with your book soon :)

    1. Thanks Preethi!
      Great to hear from you! Please keep visiting :)

  13. well written , one can steal your writing but not your ideas and talent

    My WOW post Prisoner No. 142

  14. Very positive approach in such situations Anita. And you are correct many picture prompts can lead in similar thinking and very true that generally after submitting entry, we read the rest of entries.
    When u publish novel, share few copies with us :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, support & inspiration, MeenalSonal :)
      I'll definitely do so!

  15. Quite a story and a very unique take on the prompt. Well done.

    1. Thanks for visiting & for your appreciation, Deboshree! :)

  16. Very nice...Yet jealousy in real life can be very messy!

  17. Jealous in social media is so common these days. A nice story on the prompt.


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