Saturday 9 February 2019

Zero Tolerance For Misinformation

I could have kept mum just like the rest,
And allowed the liars to win the 'contest'.
They called it a 'war'; stooped low & went far.
They said- 'Everything is fair in love & war'.
I could have used my time for my personal gain,
Not 'waste' my resources & go through pain...
WOW: Blog Using The Words Could, Should & Would
But, I decided I should stand up for my state.
The truth has to be unveiled even though it's late.
Whenever there is misinformation & untruth reigns,
The truth should be unshackled from its chains.
Why for adopting responsibilities warriors aren't more?
Why no one from this camp shared my views before?

I understand I would have had more power in my hand,
Had I been born at least a century ago in my same land.
The moment I would have learned about their 'invention',
I'd have expressed my zero tolerance for misinformation.
Wrong information would never have found its way,
I would have promptly nipped the lie in the bud right away!
Logo of the Zero Tolerance Policy at Queen Mary University of London Student Union
It's said- 'Everything happens for a reason' here.
'Everything happens for one's own good' & cheer.
I am glad I acted selflessly & honestly & have no regret,
I passionately did my very best & have no reason to fret...
Pointless 'could have', 'should have', 'would have' debate!
'Actions speak louder than words'; action is great.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Also linking with dVerse & Poets United
Chosen as a WOW Post here
Do you have zero tolerance for misinformation? Do you believe truth always wins?
Please share your views in the comments below.
Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Truth should be what leads us, not lies.

  2. Oh this is beautifully evocative! I love this; "Everything happens for one's own good and cheer."

  3. Always! Have to check and read other sources too.

  4. "But I decided I should stand up for my state"--- Love the attitude. Actions indeed speak louder than words. Nice.

  5. Nice poem.Zero tolerance for misinformation I welcome.

  6. Nice take on the prompt,loved the poem.

  7. Very well articulated. I do agree that we need to find out facts before passing out judgements. And sure everything happens for a reason. Awesome take on prompt.

  8. Beautiful rhyming poem using the prompts. Enjoyed reading.


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