Friday 1 February 2019

My Wow Gadgets

If I could invent a gadget, I'd try to invent-
A gadget that would help me detect lies.
No one can take me for a ride any more!
Thanks to my gadget, I'd be so much wise!

Need a gadget that has the answers I need!
Like where are our car keys or that book?
To know the location of my bag or dress,
My gadget's face is all I need to look!
WOW: Invent A Gadget. What Would It Do?

To satisfy the eco-friendly inventor in me,
A gadget that recycles & restores will be great!
Environmental problems it can address,
Our entire nation will be in a clean state.

Want to make the whole world feel peaceful.
I want a gadget that will spread happiness.
A world with smiles, optimism & hope.
There should be no hatred, terrorism or vices.

What gadget(s) do you like/want? Do share in the comments below.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Also linking with- Poets United - Poetry Pantry
Chosen as a WOW post here
Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers


  1. And wouldn't that be a wonderful gadget to have, especially resulting in the final stanza. I did enjoy reading your poem.

  2. The happiness-spreading gadget sounds fantastic! The world needs as many of them as it can get!

  3. Well, keep working on that gadget! It would definitely make the world a better place!

  4. A gadget that spreads harmony is what we need right now. I would send it to a few world leaders!

  5. Oh I love your musing. How wonderful it would be to have gadgets like the ones you write about.

  6. Sometimes gadgets are invented by the best intentions...the truth one can also be sinister if it's used by secret police...

  7. A gadget to spread happiness. How cool would that be...

  8. Wouldn't it be nice, love this idea.

  9. Well said! Love the direction you went in with this piece!

  10. AI- that's where it's headed for sure.

  11. If you invent it, I'l buy it! (When it becomes mass-produced.)

  12. Challenges faced give rise to the need which is mother of all inventions! While reading every line of your post, I felt, I need the gadgets for almost all these reasons! You mirrored the thoughts of most of us so well Anita.

  13. Interesting wished gadgets...nice take on the prompt.

  14. I could do with one of those.

  15. Nice post. A gadget to detect lies will be very busy. We lie most of the time. You need to evolve a plan to fix it also. Because with so much overwork, a machine is likely to breakdown often.

  16. Doremon can help us��, But I'd like to have gadget to go anywhere in the world in a minute.


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