Wednesday 13 February 2019

The Familiar Face

She was starting a new life in a new city.
She had moved into a building.
Still in the process of getting settled, she felt unsettled.

She always felt she was being watched.
She decided to capture faces in her memory.
PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll
She spotted a face on the second floor gazing at her from the window.
She couldn’t figure out who he was as she didn’t recollect having seen him before.

Her doorbell rang.
The same gentleman had come with a gift for her.
She was surprised.
“You resemble my daughter. Had she been alive, she would be 30 years-old today.” 

Do you feel you are being watched? What is your reaction when you see a familiar face?

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers
Also linking with ABC Wednesday-F


  1. she might well be surprised. Maybe even a little creeped out

  2. All sorts of possibilities as to what happened next. Intriguing.

    Click to read my FriFic tale!

  3. Hmm, he might be sincere, or he might be sinister. She should be wary until she's sure of his motives. Good take on the photo prompt, Anita.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  4. That's an imaginative take on the prompt. If she really resembled the man's dead daughter, I can understand his compulsion to watch her, and to buy her a gift on the daughter's birthday. But if I were the narrator I would certainly feel ill at ease with his attention.

  5. She should be careful, his motives might not be what they seem. Well-done!

  6. Not sure how I would feel about a stranger turning up at the door like this!

  7. There is a creepiness to this... though it could be an honest sincerity, too.

  8. I don't feel like I'm being watched, other than by those I choose to allow in to my social media circles who say they see my posts, though choose not to comment. I'm generally happy to see familiar faces - if they're friends. if not, I walk right on by...

  9. Nice gesture by the neighbour. Nice description of being unsettled in a new place.

  10. Scary feeling.. hope she soon feels fine

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week at
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  11. There's a kid on the bus I ride every day. He's a younger version of my wife's acquaintance.

  12. Dear Anita,

    I'm not sure if this is creepy or sweet. A little of both perhaps?



  13. What happens next will define whether this is the beginning of a friendship or something less comfortable.

  14. This is very intriguing. Maybe he's genuine but I think she should be careful.

  15. Oh. When you feel people are watching you and one is and comes to your door...eek. It sounds sinister.

  16. I hope this is a genuinely kind man who is simply lonely for his daughter. Because otherwise, she needs to scream bloody murder and run like a rabbit!


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