Wednesday 15 June 2016

Time To Learn!

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

He travelled back in time when his daughter handed him her winner's trophy again.

It seemed like yesterday when he was trying to learn to play the Piano, in vain.

Copyright -John Nixon
Picture-prompt -John Nixon
Though he was a really serious & sassy student, who took a lot of effort & pain,

His notes were raw & flat & he quit as there was no significant musical gain...

This time he has decided to learn Piano from his daughter & is quick to train!

“Time flows the same way for all human beings;every human being flows through time in a different way.”Yasunari Kawabata

Linking with-
Friday Fictioneers, Three Word Wednesday & In Other Words

Do you realize that all of us use the potential of time-resource differently? Do you have any musical memories? Please share in the comments below.
I feel the time to learn is NOW! 


  1. Very good! Quick on the rhyme. :)

  2. Very good! Quick on the rhyme. :)

  3. It's never too late to learn

  4. Like your poem and its sense of the and flow of time. Thanks for sharing at In Other Words. You always have something clever to share.

  5. It's a touching story, stroking our emotions, fears and deeply embedded desire cum passion:)

  6. Loved the quote.

  7. However much we crave to learn some skill often we are choosing the wrong one and should be looking in a different direction. However in you poem his learning from his daughter probably is good as she might set a good example for him.

  8. So beautiful it is... Loved it...
    I have tried to learn Violin in vain :)

  9. I think it's much harder to learn new skills as we get older - good luck to him!

  10. i say good for him. better late than never.

  11. Short and Nicely written

  12. Apt message, time to learn is NOW :)

  13. Very nicely expressed in just five sentences.

  14. There are many parallel coincidences here. An old post perfectly matches a new Indispire prompt. What is true in the field of music is true in any kind of learning field. Any age is a good age to learn. The post is short but the insights are profound.

  15. It is never too late to learn... or to start learning a new skill.

  16. Learning keeps us young...that is all i know


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