Wednesday 2 March 2022

The Leaning Tower

"I wish to visit the Leaning Tower," Lini said dreamily.

Her mother nodded understandingly.

Lini had won a trip to visit Italy.

But, her happiness didn’t last as she met with the accident. 

The recovery process meant that she would miss the trip.

Photo Prompt- Anne Higa
"I wanted to paint right there..."

Her mother knew how Lini felt.

The next day, Lini woke up to a surprise! 

The Leaning Tower was right there in her room! 

Her mother had installed a home-theatre system.

It projected a true-to-life image on the wall in front of her! 

There was a blank canvas with colours too! 

100 words story for Friday Fictioneers

Isn't virtual reality amazing? Science makes this possible.


  1. Good for painting, but still not the same as being there and taking in the atmosphere! Hopefully she gets to go once recovered :-)

  2. Perhaps the mother could also supply pasta dishes and Tuscan wine

  3. What a lovely gesture from her mother.

  4. Did the mother arranged for pizza while the daughter was painting the leaning tower of Pisa?

  5. Aw, what a thoughtful mama :)

  6. And then, some day, maybe for real. But for now.... Well told and comforting story.

  7. So cute, a mother can truly make anything happen

  8. Mom's always want to heal and keep their children from disappointmenting pain.
    Sweet mom ...
    Isadora ��

  9. Awwwwww, Lini's mom adores her daughter and it shows so poignantly here. It is a story they will remember and share for a long time and hopefully a painting to honor the memory will also arise.

  10. Great story Anita, and very credible. I am familiar with this tragedy. Our son was booked on a history tour of Europe with his school in 2020 which was cancelled due to covid. We live in Sydney, Australia so the trip was a huge deal and a real stretch for us financially. We could do much to get around it at the time, but he is going sailing on a tall ship in a few weeks and I'm just praying nothing goes wrong there. I find it so hard to plan ahead with covid still being around.

  11. what a kind and loving gesture. the real thing is something to look forward to. :)

  12. Dear Anita,

    What a lovely thing for a mother to do for her daughter.



  13. That's lovely. And maybe that's just a taster and she can still visit when she's better :-)


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