Wednesday 16 March 2022

The Jewel Thief

After an arduous trail, the visitors reached their destination.

The quaint cottage on the hill looked welcoming.

Photo - Lisa Fox

A beautiful lady answered the door.

Her face matched their intelligence-reports.

They were sure they would finally get what they were looking for.

"Where are the diamonds?" they asked. 

Not giving away her nervousness, she confidently answered, "I don't have any."

"Really? We'll soon find out!" 

The officers started searching her home.

Photo Prompt- Brenda Cox

They looked everywhere, but there was no trace of the diamonds.

Had they nabbed the real jewel thief? 

The cactus pot in the corner held the secret they could not unravel.

100 words story for the Friday Fictioneers 

I could not participate last week and thus I have used last week's image too in this week's story.

Do you think they will find the diamonds in the pot and arrest the lady who is the jewel thief? 

Which is the best place to hide stolen diamonds?

Do share in the comments below.


  1. If the diamonds are in the plant pot, they'll find them

  2. Dear Anita,

    She's obviously cunning and good at what she does. I like your new link picture.



  3. Anita this is an entertaining tale of espionage. Makes me want to know more.

  4. Very intelly gentilly lady.

  5. Never come between a lady and diamonds. I'd love to know how she got the diamonds.

  6. Interesting and well done.

  7. Anita, I love what you did in combining to prompts. Intriguing tale!

  8. It is not that easy to find the diamonds. Well done

  9. I think she's hidden the diamonds much more securely than in the cactus pot.

  10. Very refreshing story. This is the first story of yours that I have read. Makes me want to know more, Anita.

  11. Very attention-grabbing diary. lots of blogs I see recently do not extremely give something that attract others, however i am most positively fascinated by this one. simply thought that i'd post and allow you to apprehend.


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