Tuesday 31 March 2020

Theme Reveal #AToZChallenge 2020 #OdishaGI

Our country, India, is vast and varied and boasts of 'Unity in Diversity'. 
Odisha is one of the 28 states of India. Odisha is located in the eastern part of India.

Like India and many other states of India, Odisha too has a rich history, heritage, and culture. 

There are many unique products of Odisha that are being made by certain communities from many centuries. Some products belong to a specific part of Odisha i.e. they are only made/manufactured in a village, block, city, or district. Some of these products are internationally famous. 

My Theme for this year's April #AToZ Challenge is - the Geographical Indications (GIs) of Odisha #OdishaGI.

I have taken up this theme as I would like to share information about the GI-Tags of Odisha. These are linked with the culture and traditions of my state, Odisha.
Many people are yet to know and to be aware. A lot of misinformation and fake news is still being .

I feel we need to know the facts and truth so that we can stand up for them and defend them.
This is my humble endeavour to create awareness.
Do follow my posts to learn more about the GIs of Odisha.

This is the fourth year I am participating in the April A To Z Challenge.
This is the first time I am sharing a Theme Reveal post :)
While in my maiden challenge in 2017, I had written and shared poems, in the last two editions of the challenge, my theme was- Odisha. 
You can check out my #AToZChallenge posts here.

Are you aware of Geographical Indications? Do share in the comments below.

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