Friday 8 March 2019

Women's Day Influence #writebravely #celebratewritetribe

"I want a divorce," she said.

“What the heck does that even mean?” he thundered. "No one in our family has ever gone through this."

"Result of your freedom- You allowed her to take up the reporter's job," his mother added.

"Don't forget that I permitted you to work. I taught you how to be a feminist," he reminded her. 
Image : Pexels
"A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men." – Gloria Steinem
"Wish you could be a feminist too!"
She walked out feeling truly empowered on International Women's Day.

"This is the Women's Day influence. It’ll soon wear off in a day or two and she'll be back!" his mother consoled him.

100 Words Story

Happy Women's Day! 
Do you think she will return to her husband? Why do women have to take "permission"? Please share in the comments below.

‘I’m Writing Bravely for the Write Tribe Festival of Words – March 2019’
I responded to all the three Day 5 prompts.


  1. Lovely story. More power to women. Happy women's day.😊

  2. Wow!What a message. And really this is the high time when we all should think about it why a woman only needs permission to execute what she wants to do?

  3. Strong story line with good message. Loved it. Happy Women's day

  4. Powerful thought—Why can't a man be a feminist too? I wish her mother-in-law supported her struggle. It is a real struggle for so many women across the world who are fighting a silent battle every day to make their voices heard and take a stand without seeking permission from men.

  5. Happy Women's Day. A section of our society is still regressive and of double standards.Hope it changes for the better.

  6. I so not like it when a woman has to justify her decisions. If a woman has decided to walk out of the marriage seeking legal discourse, I believe no questions be asked.
    Very evocative story, Anita. Wishing you a very happy Women's Day.

  7. It sad that some men still think that women need their permission for anything. This mentality is slowly changing. Happy WOmen's day.

  8. I hope all mothers-in-law, and men realise that a woman needs their support and encouragement in her struggle to live her dreams. To do that they just need to be human. They don't need to be feminists.


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