Friday 7 September 2018

Incredible Impression

Saba returned home after a tiring day at work.
The full moon's view from her window was perfect for her upcoming date.
PHOTO PROMPT © Gah Learner
She had met Rehan a fortnight ago.
That night, it’d be his maiden visit to her place...

The bell rang.
Saba found Rehan at her door.
He had arrived early!

As he entered her apartment, two armed masked-men also barged in.
"Undress now" they commanded.
Saba looked helplessly at Rehan.

“Just do what they say,” Rehan said.

As the men moved closer, Saba felt terrible removing her jacket. 

White packets were stashed.

"You’re right, Rehan! Illegal cocaine trade..."

How much are you influenced by your impression about people? Are you normally proved wrong/right in your judgement?

Linking with Friday Fictioneers, #ThursThread Challenge &
ABC Wednesday - I for Impression, Items, Incredible, Illegal


  1. A drug addict should never get involved with a narc, I see?

  2. Ooh, wrong date choice for a drug seller. Better luck next time! Good one, Anita!

  3. Dear Anita,

    Sounds like she should've learned more about Rehan beforehand.



  4. Rehan's Karma will catch up with him but hope he leaves her alone after this horrible incident.

    Saba's romantic night tuned into a nightmare.

  5. I liked it but i wonder if it is a stitch up? Maybe the officers stated the white packets as they removed Saba's jacket?
    Serves her right anyway coke is a wankers drug!

  6. What a wonderful sight…

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  7. What a shock. I was ready for romance but you soon changed my mind! Well written :) Jilly, Sugar on the Bee.

  8. The lace and orb make a nice contrast

  9. He turned out to be an imposter. Interesting take


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