Wednesday 4 July 2018

The Zestful Agent

"You decide how you wish to finish the work today," Maqbool said.

Twelve-year-old Zakir felt a huge load on his shoulders.

He had to decide how to reduce the load of one person from the planet, who was interfering with his country's mission...

Maqbool showed photographs of the 'terrorist' whom Zakir had to follow in the market and kill.
PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll
 "Should I shoot or poison the villain?" Zakir thought aloud.

"My advice- Don't be your zany and zestful self. You don't want to attract attention," Maqbool warned.

Zakir had made his choice.
Poisoning Maqbool's drink appeared the lesser of two evils.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if there was no terrorism? What do you feel?

100 Words story for-
Friday Fictioneers, ABC Wednesday- Z for Zany, Zestful & #Barathon Day 2- Lesser of two evils


  1. You pose the moral problem of whether vigilantism is any better than terrorism

  2. ….scary story ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  3. Poisoning is the more discreet option, I feel.

  4. Dear Anita,

    Hopefully Zakir chose an untraceable poison.



  5. Zakir is out to start a revolution. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter - it's a difficult question to answer.

  6. Maqboul showed Zakir the photographs, so he knew he was the target...He must have been very committed to the cause. As to whether the world would be better without terrorism, I have no doubt that it would be. But that answer requires that no-one is prepared to use organised force to gain and hold power.

  7. Good choice.

    Mine is at

  8. Interesting take, Anita. Go the poison way, indeed... though, as Neil said, what is better?

  9. Life would surely be a happier place but will that ever happen?

  10. Great choice. But the more worrying part is that a 12 year old has to make such choices.

  11. Interesting take on the prompt, but I can't answer your question between two evils.

  12. I wonder how long a world of total love and peace would exist before some people decide they must be the one to rule the world.

  13. Brilliant piece. Well-written. Absolutely, the world would be a better place without terrorism. By all accounts everyone should be able to get their point of view across but without violence & murder. They are never the answer.

  14. Certainly the world would be better without terrorism. But how does killing the 'terrorist' do away with it?

  15. brilliant take on the prompt. well written. the Question is left for the people to think. Of course world would be peace if there is no terrorism.

  16. Wish they sat across the table to discuss.
    Excellent take on the pic and word.
    Happy ABCW!

  17. We can certainly do away with terrorism for killing people is no solution at all.
    A fab take on the prompt, Anita!


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