Saturday 6 August 2016

Wishful Thinking

Hello, Old Friend!

Glad to see you! How have you been?
To spend time with you, I'm always keen!
But, for time at hand, signal is seldom green!
In my Wishful Thinking trips I'm often seen!  

I wish this & I wish that; I wish what I feel is right.
Passionate Wishful Thinking is my hobby favourite!
When it's dark, I confidently wish for bright light!
I wait for an upcoming new day, if I'm sad in the night.

Many wishes are yet to be granted, though fulfilled a few!
Still, everyday I zealously pursue my Wishful Thinking anew!
People wish me- "May all your dreams & wishes come true!"
For all, I wish blessings to continue & wishes for a lifetime too!

Image result for wishful thinking

Also remember-
"Works are completed by effort; not Wishful Thinking.
Deer do not enter into the mouth of a lion that's sleeping!"
Sharing the above Sanskrit shloka with a message- Be hard-working-
Our best thoughts & sincere actions will make our world amazing! 

Thinking of you, shared message & just wrote to say-
Wish you a Happy Friendship Day everyday!

Your Old Friend.

International Day of Friendship is on July 30. 
Some countries like India celebrate Friendship Day on the 1st Sunday of August - this year it's on Aug 7th 2016. 
What is your wish for your friends this Friendship Day? Please share in the comments below.

This Post has been chosen as a WOW Post HERE.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda
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  1. That's such a positive and inspiring take on the prompt, Anita!
    True, it's only actions that drives results and not mere wishful thinking!

  2. Love your wishful thinking!

  3. That is the power of positive thinking and I believe very strongly in it! Happy Friendships Day! I wish I could meet my friends more often and I wish they stay hale and hearty always!

  4. Beautifully written Anita :)

  5. Such a sweet and lovely poem! Happy friendship day! :D

  6. With the company of good friends like You, every day is a Friendship Day.

  7. Very sweet tribute to friendship,loved it!

  8. Hey, such optimism in thoughts and a good take on the prompt. so this is dedicated to friendship. Loved it.


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