Sunday 28 June 2015

Breathless With Xylophone

Hey boys, how ’bout y’all makin’ yer Ma some wind chimes?” 
© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham
Picture-Prompt- Mondays Finish The Story
He was nervous when his landlady asked her sons for wind chimes so that he could learn how to play them, and her youngest son gave him his Xylophone to try out!

They were startled when he played the Xylophone like a pro and its sounds brought a lump to his throat making him feel breathless.

His reaction to the musical vibrations of the wind chimes and Xylophone puzzled him as he sensed several waves of memories transmitted in his brain...
the journey begins
Picture-Prompt- WriteTribe
When he went to the window to get some fresh air, he found his previous life's partner reincarnated as his next door neighbour!

Picture-Prompt- Magpie Tales

The Xylophone would remind her too!

Linking with-
WOW- This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
ABC Wednesday- X For Xylophone
Mondays Finish The Story
Three Word Wednesday- Lump, Nervous, Puzzled
Magpie Tales
Five Sentence Fiction- Waves
Write Tribe- The Journey Begins 
Six Word Saturday- The Xylophone Would Remind Her Too!


  1. Nicely done Anita! I enjoyed your story. Thanks for another well written contribution to the Mondays Finish the Story challenge! Be well... ^..^

  2. Very thought-provoking. Wind chimes and xylophones remind me of childhood, which feels like a previous life to me sometimes!

  3. nicely done! Very sweetly told.

  4. Interesting story,
    I love wind chimes such sweet sounds they make when
    there is a gentle breeze.

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  5. A sense of eerie deja vue in these chimes.

  6. I loved the xylophone when I was (MUCH) younger.


  7. Omg, never expected this turn. Lovely read

  8. This is excellent! So many prompts combined! Nice story wid gr8 twist! :)

  9. It seems windchimes are the imstrumentality of reincarnation

  10. Cute story! Took me back to childhood and my little brother playing his xylophone.

  11. Wow !! You linked up so many prompts in one :) The end was great..unexpected :)

  12. This one a superbly creative, hatke:)

  13. Awesome story line, loved it :)

  14. Well Done .. Loved it Keep Writing .:)

    Amit lamba


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