Friday 5 June 2015

World Environment Day 2015

We are seven billion. Phew! That's quite a load...
But, we have only one planet that we can now afford.

Handle her with care & use resources with responsibility.
Be respectful of our environment & planet's sustainability.

Depleting natural wealth & flora & fauna for motives selfish,
Can prove to be costly as we may soon be like out-of-water-fish.

Use & consume as per our need, rather than to satisfy our greed!
The world has to cater to demands - hungry mouths to feed.

Photo Credit: dVerse -  Patti's blog.

Our world will have fourteen billion helping-hands, if we all take care.
While we build our dreams, may Planet Earth never get any scare/nightmare.

If  you liked this, you  may also like-
My post written for World Environment Day last year.

Some quotes- 
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." – Mahatma Gandhi
"We won't have a society if we destroy the environment." – Margaret Mead

Linking with-
Poets United-  Sustainability


  1. My hubby and I are very conscious of waste and the environment. We are installing a water retention tank at our new home to use water from the sky!

  2. We must be responsible human beings and try to protect our environment. Loved the last line "While we build our dreams, may planet Earth never get any scare/nightmare.

  3. Very nice Anita Ji. These lines are really heart touching...." We have only one planet that we can now afford."

  4. Beautiful penned Anita. Love the line, "our world will have fourteen billion helping-hands, if we all take care."

  5. Very well said, Anita. Small steps can make whole difference for a clean India.

  6. Hi Anita,

    Loved the poem! For me even World Enviroment day is very special only because I love Eco Tourism and I travel to spread the message on the same ground. I made some tips for tourist to be travellers. DO have look and telme what you think :

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