Friday 24 April 2015

The Hero

They attacked him as he always pioneered changes and supported honesty and integrity.

When he made an important discovery that involved the top politicians, bureaucrats, and industrialists, they were desperate to hush him for life.

PHOTO PROMPT - © Douglas M. MacIlroy
PHOTO PROMPT – © Douglas M. MacIlroy
He kept on walking on the tough path of righteousness and treated the death-threat and warning like a missed call.

He garnered popular support and many followers and soon became a role-model and hero.

With his innovations, ideas, vision and able leadership, he ushered in the changes for a beautiful world with love and peace.

This post won the WOW Badge HERE

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Hero, Missed Call & Discovery

Also linking with- Five Sentence Fiction- Changes
& Three Word Wednesday- Beautiful, Desperate & Hush
& Friday Fictioneers


  1. Good use of the prompt!

  2. Peace is an excellent idea.
    Good piece.

  3. Nice take on the prompt.

  4. It's real sad how the mafia killed a man they couldn't beat fighting his honesty.

  5. Many pay a heavy price for such ventures.Happily the hero succeeds here.

  6. Wow - glad he wins. Nan

  7. Very inspiring story :)
    At every point, I remembered D. K Ravi except that he is no more...
    TC... Keep smiling :)

  8. We need more heroes to guide us on the path of righteousness. Not many have such courage.

  9. Now that's a great use of the prompt Anita.
    Man , your creative skills to Imagine and craft such things. Just wonderful. :)

    P.S. - I am a jealous reader by the way.:p

  10. yes, we need more such heroes. good use of the prompt Anita.

  11. What a beautiful dream and a vision. I really liked your use of text-decoration too, which added to the feel of some great historical record as yet unwritten.

  12. Loved it!
    I wanted to write too but lack of time :(

    Next time :)

  13. How do you manage to do this, Anita? Combining many different prompts and come up with something inspiring at the same time? :) Very nicely done!

  14. Very beautiful and so right . Yes I have the same query as Beloo :)


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