Saturday 18 April 2015

World Heritage Day 2015 At Bhubaneswar

Last night I was delighted to see a tweet @Odisha_Tourism :#WorldHeritageDay will be celebrated by the Department tomorrow. Programme will start at 7:30 am (18 April).

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Bhubaneswar is an ancient and modern city that is referred to as the Temple City as it has many temples.

The starting venue for the heritage walk was the RajaRani Temple.                                                       

                                           There were giant hoardings about World Heritage Day in Odia language.
There were many artists in the RajaRani Temple premises.
They had been invited from different places in Odisha to be a part of the World Heritage Day celebrations.
I loved the Carnival-like atmosphere!
There were cool dare-devil acts too. Gosh! We have so much talent!
The walk was flagged off.


Apart from Goddess Durga, we got to walk with Shri Ram, Lakshman, Lord Hanuman and Ravana too!

We saw many ancient temples during the heritage walk.


Such heritage walks are much needed to learn about our city,.

Let us all protect and respect our heritage.

I am proud of our heritage. How about you?

Bhubaneswar is the most deserving to make it to the UNESCO heritage status. 
Hope its treasures are recognized and Bhubaneswar earns its due.

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  1. All the clicks look pretty with the hues and shades brightening the scenes.

  2. Colorful and vibrant!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Such a fun way to showcase odissa's heritage and culture . Loved the visual tour :)

  4. So much talent and vibrancy in your photos!

  5. Could not post my comment yesterday due to some error.
    Coming back to appreciate your beautiful clicks, Anita.

    Loved the history behind it :)

    Thanks for linking up

  6. Beautiful photographs of the awesome event!
    Their dholak (?) covers are so lovely!
    The temple architecture of Odisha is so unique!
    Thanks a lot for sharing, dear :) Wondering how we are still not aware of our own state in spite of belonging to the same country! We need to look into history and culture again... We definitely need to change our history books...

  7. What beautiful images .. what colourful costumes ! I was made aware about Odisha after taking part in a recent quiz and instantly fell in love with this quaint place so rich in every sense .. heritage , architecture, religious ceremonies, cultural traditions, natural beauty and what not !

  8. Lovely Vibrant images.India has so many beautiful treasures.Thank you for sharing.


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