Sunday 11 August 2013

Goodbye & Hi!

"I gave you wings so that we could fly,

But, you chose to walk & we said goodbye...

Journeying down your lonely road,

Lift your eyes up to the sky

And watch me flying with someone else

Where you once had the chance to fly..." 

- Source Unknown*

Aditi looked at Raj. She recognized him at a glance. All those memories flooded in a flash!
How could she forget what he had done to her... The above lines summed up her story pretty well.

It is all about opportunities. We tend to maximize our profits. 
What seems wonderful at one point may prove to be terrible later. But, who has the luxury to choose the best? In her case, letting go, that was bitter once, proved sweet later!

Aditi had become philosophical. She had moved on in life. Raj was now her past...a chapter she would rather not revisit. Sad that she had to encounter him thus...
The seemingly forgotten pain was again remembered in full detail...

Raj turned his head and saw Aditi! It was the same story for him...
Ah! Aditi! The love of his life! How could he not recognize her then!? 
He was blinded with greed & material things...

Why had he done this to her? Could he make amends? 
Could he turn back time & fly with her again?
Raj approached Aditi with high hopes of the past familiarity...

Aditi said 'Goodbye' while Raj said 'Hi!'...

*Poem shared by my friend, Pooja Garg on Twitter.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Sigh.I can slightly connect to this.Though I haven't really given anyone that much power to leave me shattered..still, The feeling of being cheated, moving gives goosebumps

    1. It's all a matter of growing up. People come to our lives for a reason. They teach us valuable lessons. We have to recognize that!


Your words mean a lot to me.

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