Wednesday 1 September 2021

The Bluebirds

The bluebirds were nowhere to be found.

She was trying to spot them like crazy. 

She had always wanted to research and write a book about the bluebirds. 

Many could be spotted in that eco-zone where she had grown up. 

Wasn’t the spot near the river their favorite place?

Photo Prompt- Penny Gadd

Much water had flown since she last visited the place.

The river was now a stream.

The mountain had been razed to help build the concrete jungle.

Not one bluebird in sight! 

She then realized that the tallest trees were missing- the same ones where the bluebirds once built their nests...

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers

The bluebird is a symbol of hope, love, and renewal and is also a part of many Native American legends. It symbolizes the essence of life and beauty.

Do you miss the good old days when there were more birds and trees and there was less pollution in the rivers and seas? Do share your comments below.  


  1. Dear Anita.

    I like "to build a concrete jungle." That's progress for you.



  2. Well, little by little...and a lot goes...

  3. Nobody will stop ravaging the planet until they moment they realise nothing can survive here anymore.

  4. They paved paradise to put up a parking lot, as the song goes. I hope the bluebirds found somewhere safe to roost, and your protagonist finds them again. I could feel her sadness.

  5. Such a sad and devastating scenario, especially with the symbolism of the bluebird.

  6. WE are losing the nature and its beauty.

  7. I liked the way you make ecological harm feel close and personal, by making he bluebirds he stars of the show.

  8. Maybe it is progress, but I am not so sure it is a good thing! My vote is with the trees and the bluebirds.

  9. Too sad. Humans as a collective forget we share the planet with animals.

  10. We never care until it's too late. This river will cause terrible floods in the future.

  11. A sign of the times in your story, Anita.
    Things are torn down to make way for progress but then we are left
    without the beauty of nature. Sad !!! Stay Safe ��
    Isadora ��

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