Thursday 13 May 2021

The Red T-shirt

The salesman had worn a T-shirt that read- "Just Do It!"

Seeing that I approached his T-shirt shop in the foreign land where few spoke English.

I confidently began to converse in English. 

His blank face expressed his inability to understand.

I picked an attractive red T-shirt with graffiti in the local language.

The price was mentioned.

I had the exact change. 

He smiled when I paid and thanked him in his language.


When I wore my new T-shirt, I found the hotel's manager suppressing her smile.

"What’s written?" I enquired.

"I have fire like a fiery dragon!" she answered.

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers

Have you ever faced language issue?


  1. This has happened when people are taught a few words in an alien language, and they don't know what it means 😂

  2. At least it doesn't say "I am a gullible foreigner"

  3. This reads like a true story! As for facing language issues, yes. When I visited Japan I kept getting lost. I hadn't realised how much I used the names of stores as navigating aids, and all the shops had Japanese names. More usually, I've been surprised at how little you need to know to have a satisfying conversation.

  4. That's not such a bad t-shirt inscription,is it? Fun story.

  5. Well, it could have been a lot worse!

  6. Dear Anita,

    At least it was only a T-shirt and not a tattoo. Cute story.



  7. It clearly seemed a good idea at the time! At least none of your friends will know what it says - unless they read this!

  8. I love bartering.

    At least it was a polite t-shirt. Good story.

  9. Creative spin on the prompt image.

  10. Imagineative take on the prompt. Good one!

  11. Anita,
    This is hilarious! Well done.

  12. Haha, I suppose it could have been worse!

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  14. well, no harm down, she can always take it off. :)

  15. At least it wasn't a tattoo.

  16. This made me smile but I wouldn't mind that on my T-Shirt, it could be a lot worse. Well done

  17. This made me smile but I wouldn't mind that on my T-Shirt, it could be a lot worse. Well done

  18. At least it does not say something vulgar in an unknown language.

  19. I'm glad it didn't say anything that would make him take it off and throw it away :) Cute story.


Your words mean a lot to me.

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