Thursday 13 May 2021

World Travel In Low Budget

How often have you looked for a practical guide to plan international trips in low cost?

The explorer in us yearns to travel, especially during this pandemic when we are under lockdown. While we wait for Covid19 to go, the waiting seems productive when we plan for the golden trip days ahead.

To make such experience even more worthwhile, it makes sense to consult an expert who will guide us and smoothen the process. If you have often wondered “How to plan international trips on our own in low cost” and other aspects of planning travel-trips, do read the book- “World Travel in low budget” written by by a travel lover who has visited 40 countries so far.

World Travel In Low Budget by Shrinidhi Hande is a practical travel guide book. 

This book is suitable for all readers around the world.

Book Title, Cover, and Publication

The terms 'world travel' and "low budget" are enough to attract the explorers. The author has chosen an apt title for this practical guide. 
The book cover has an aeroplane. The back-cover has the author's photograph in a picturesque locale. The cover design is by the author himself.
Published by Xpress Publishing, an imprint of Notion Press, this book was first published in 2019.
The author had first written this book in his mother tongue, Kannada. He then came up with the English version. 

This book has the foreword by Mrs Anuradha Goyal, the founder of IndiTales, and author of 'The Mouse Charmers', and the co-curator of India's first Travel Focused Conference- Indica Yatra Conference.

The Author

Shrinidhi Hande is an IT professional and popular and award-winning travel blogger. He has extensively travelled the world by planning his own trips and spending his own money. Shrinidhi blogs at- that has garnered over 10 million page views. He also has an exclusive airline blog - dedicated to air travel and flight deals.

Shrinidhi's book shares some smart secrets of his travels. 

The book has been divided into 12 chapters and Appendix.

The Chapters are-

1.       Where To Go? Selecting Destinations

2.       How to Get Cheapest Flight Tickets?

3.       Visa And Forex

4.       Stay and Vegetarian Food

5.       Language Problems

6.       Local Commute And Sightseeing

7.       Checklist

8.       Saving For Travel

9.       Safety Aspects

10   Potential Risks and Mitigation

11   Be A Responsible Traveler

1    My Unique Experiences 

Aren't the chapters enticing?
I would not like to divulge more about the wealth of information generously shared by the author. 
All I know is that following Shrinidhi Hande's tips, we are sure to save and enjoy our travels more.

I have been a regular reader of his blog and have personally met him and interacted with him many times via social media. I appreciate his practical analysis and reasoning skills, and lucid communication style, smart use of tables in his description, and honest reviews and experiences.

To learn the answers to some queries and some travel secrets and tricks, you must read this informative book. 

The author has selflessly shared his research-findings, experience and knowledge very well. 
'Knowledge is power.' Travel enthusiasts must go through this useful book to ensure that their trips are even better.
No, we do not need to rob a bank to travel the world!

You can order this book online from Amazon and Flipkart.

Do check out the GoodReads reviews.

The author had graciously sent me a copy of his debut work. I had decided to read it before planning my international trips for 2020 when I was supposed to travel! Everyone knows how Covid19 has played spoilsport and how all our travel plans have gone awry. I apologize for posting a belated review. This travel guide will always be evergreen. 

Hope things get back to normal, and there are no more travel restrictions. Looking forward to get to use the author's wisdom while planning our upcoming trips soon.

Till then, let's all stay safe. And keep planning our trips. Aim- World Travel in Low Budget!

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