Sunday 9 May 2021

Mothers Are Special


With maternal instinct that’s miraculous & magnificent, 

She’s mighty, magnanimous, marvellous & God-sent


Mother is God’s most outstanding creation. 

She deserves our love & standing ovation


Thoughtful, terrifictotally thoroughtough

She's teacher & taskmaster, treasure-trove of love! 


Hope & prayers are her gift; healing touch in her hand;

Home is hospitable; She's helpful with a heart that's grand. 


With exceptional empathy, enthusiasm & energy

Mother empowers with her erudition, efficacy, & efficiency


Mother is forever responsible with traits so rare

May all respect this rich woman full of care.


Sand art by @sudarsansand- Padma Shri Sudarsan Pattnaik

Just a few lines do no justice for MOTHER.

She’s the best; like her there is no other.

6 letters in word; yet means the world to all! 

She ensures we forever keep standing tall. 


Mother & motherland are higher than heaven-

May this be understood by all women & men. 


For all moms of our planet this Mother’s Day, 

I sincerely thank, pay gratitude, salute & pray.


All caring souls who act like mothers with grace,

Your motherly love makes our world a great place.


Thank you to each mother here & across the seas,

And to all who’ve freely exhibited motherly qualities.


“Thanks” is one word; Words are not enough to express…

May all mothers be safe, healthy & happy; May God bless.


Happy Mother’s Day today and everyday.

Thank you to all who make life special in every way!

If everyone decides to be a mother to the world with grace,

Won't our Planet Earth be an even better & happier place?

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 


  1. Beautiful words for mom penned by you dear.
    Mom means the whole universe, nothing compares to her,
    God's most amazing creation..


Your words mean a lot to me.

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