Wednesday 5 May 2021

Oversize Load

"I am telling you- This Covid is a way of the Universe to tell us that it cannot take more load." 

Ashok expressed his theory. 

His mother did not agree. 

She said, "This Universe is God's creation. Maintaining it is our responsibility."


"God has decided all this, anyway. He is overloaded too and doesn't want oversize load," Ashok reasoned.

His mother proposed- "How about sharing some oversize load of God?" 

Photo Prompt- Ted Strutz

That is how Ashok drives his mobile Covid19 hospital with Oxygen, beds, and nurses.

There’s doorstep pickup for patients.

He has gifted lives and contributed to maintain the Universe's load.

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers.

Do you agree that God is responsible for everything that is happening, including Covid19?

Stay Safe. Take care.


  1. Dear Anita,

    I pray you're staying safe and well. The reports from India are concerning.



  2. Interesting take on the prompt. Well done.

  3. He is making his contribution, as little as it seems, at least it is something. I think if you believe in God is behind Covid, then He has some serious explaining to do. Stay safe.

  4. Our thoughts are with India at this time

  5. Here is a tongue-in-cheek remark. Oversize load of God? You mean Hindu God? It cannot be oversize load for Hindu God. Hindus have several Gods to take are of the load. Actually, separate departments. For Example, Goddess Saraswathi for education, Goddess Mahalakshmi for wealth, etc.

  6. Well done Ashok. Actions that contribute to the well-being of others are virtuous whatever inspires them, don't you think?

  7. No, I don't believe God is to blame for the messes we create here on earth.

    I understand that India is really suffering right now. With so many people in the big cities living so close together, it has to be next to impossible to observe quarantine. Prayers for your country.

  8. God gave us free choice - what we do with it is our fault.

  9. Thank you for drawing our attention to the plight of India and the things ordinary people are no doubt doing to help their neighbours. A very compassionate take on the prompt

  10. I don't know if it an act of God or act of nature or act of man or a combination. But I certainly believe that as human beings, we have the responsibility to do the best we can for each other and the most we can to try and help leave this world a better place than before we were born into it. Here's to healing and humanity!

  11. Their discussion produced a solution, a drive by hospital. There's some sense to that and yes, a way to lighten the load of all. Great use of 100 words and this photo prompt. Thank you.

  12. Anita,
    What a beautiful story of charity and hope! We need more of this sharing of burdens. Praying that you and your family are well during these difficult times in India.
    Take care,

  13. A desperate reminder of desperate times right now. Nicely done, Anita. Take care.

  14. If we believe that a god created us, we must also believe that he gave us our big brains for a reason. Good for the MC to use it so well.

  15. Well done. Great take on the prompt.

  16. Mother has a son she can be proud of.


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