Monday 31 May 2021

Rasagola Dibasa - Odisha Celebrates A Day For Rasagola (Rasgulla)

It is great to share that about the publication of my second eBook- ‘Rasagola Dibasa - Odisha Celebrates A Day for Rasagola (Rasgulla)’. It was launched in this year's Blogchatter EBook Carnival.

The publication shares about Rasagola, a day for Rasagola celebration i.e. "Rasagola Dibasa", & Odisha’s centuries-old continuing tradition of Niladri Bije of Ratha Yatra.

In 2015, when this writer first proposed & initiated #RasagolaDibasa celebration online:
1. Many were ignorant about Niladri Bije, which is a continuing tradition that marks the entry of the deities back to the Puri Shree Jagannatha Temple after they return from the Ratha Yatra.
2. There was no research or historical references about our Rasagola.
3. There were hardly any books or articles about Rasagola.
4. There had been no serious work for the Geographical Indication (GI) tag of Rasagola.
5. There were very few Odia songs & movies about Rasagola.
6. Many were unaware about Odisha having any connection with Rasagola, leave alone knowing that it's the birthplace of Rasgulla.
7. Many didn’t know about GI or Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
8. There was no demand for GI of Odisha's potential GI products from 2011-2015 (i.e. between the time after the last GI applications of Odisha had been submitted in 2010; and till we celebrated Rasagola Dibasa in 2015).
9. There had been no stress for uniform spelling-R-A-S-A-G-O-L-A.
10. There was no Rasagola store in the Bhubaneswar airport.

Many of us have been joining together online & by our collective efforts and actions have been trending #RasagolaDibasa on social media, especially Twitter where the Rasagola action first began in the Nabakalebara Ratha Yatra 2015; and media has been supporting us- Sambad Group media supported us for the maiden celebration, and there was celebration of Rasagola Dibasa at Pahala. Then, Odisha State Govt. constituted committees for Rasagola research.
In 2017, OTV Group & other media focused on the GI tag issue; and then, after much outreach from our end, the Odisha State Govt finally stepped in for filing GI application for Odisha Rasagola in February, 2018.
Many thought and some still think- "Odisha lost", while Odisha had not even submitted her GI application.
Now, at least Odisha’s name is “also” taken with Rasagola as Odisha Rasagola has earned the GI Tag on July 29, 2019.
Because of Rasagola GI being in the news, there has been awareness & clamour for more GI registrations, not only in Odisha, but also in other states of India.
Many have directly or indirectly contributed to our Rasagola journey and for this publication.
Last year, this writer’s eBook “Geographical Indications (GIs) of Odisha” was published that has reached many producer groups. It inspired other states to come up with their own GI books! Odisha has always been a pioneer! Only difference- while the GIs of Odisha eBook was due to an individual’s interest, self-initiative & proactive effort, other states have dedicated teams, committees & IP cells working for their cause.
This “Rasagola Dibasa” eBook had to be written as despite all the above, many are yet to know that Odisha is the birthplace of Rasgulla.
Also, that Odisha has been the first to celebrate a day for Rasgulla.
Plus, there are many who feel that all this is “useless”, “silly” & “waste of time.”
Many others are not aware of what thoughts were behind so much effort for such online #RasagolaDibasa celebration.
Sadly, some who know the drama behind the scenes, prefer to stay mute, and allow the misinformation cycle to continue!
Thus, the lies and untruths are still alive.
Even now there are discussions about- where did the Rasagola originate?

Sharing this publication online has been with the support of Team Blogchatter #BlogchatterEbook Carnival. Those interested can download it here.

The sincere attempt has been to create awareness about Rasagola & Rasagola Day celebration.
This writer knows that this book is incomplete as a lot more needs to be added. Have reached out to some Rasagola Odisha state committee members, and their responses are awaited so as to be included.
If you are aware of this Rasagola case, and want addition of extra info, kindly share. Care will be taken for inclusion in published version.
Request readers to please download this book, read, and share your honest feedback.
Remember that even after spotting fake, incorrect, and misleading news, in case we choose to remain silent, it means that we are okay to put up with the unfairness, and have decided to be a party to misinformation.
In fact, this had been happening before we celebrated #RasagolaDibasa.
Everyone is responsible to take action for the truth to be established, after addressing the 'debate' and controversy' with logic, research and historical evidences.
However, efforts are needed in this direction, rather than simply complaining or wondering.
The aim has always been to end the Rasgulla debate. #EndRasgullaDebate.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on publishing your second e-book. Now that I have enough knowledge about Rasagola, I will never associate this Kolkata.


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