Friday 11 September 2020

The Holiday

She was taking a vacation after almost a year after the death of her partner. 

She had no clue why she had chosen that place for a holiday.

The solo-traveller started feeling secure the moment she landed at Down Island. 

A souvenir store near her hotel caught her fancy.

She wanted to visit, but it was closed. 

Pic - Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

On the day of her return, she was thrilled to see the shop was open.

As she walked in, the elderly shopkeeper exclaimed, "Liza!" 

She was surprised how he knew her name! 

She nearly jumped seeing her life-size portrait hanging inside the shop.

100 words short story for Friday Fictioneers

How will you react if a stranger addresses you by your name? What happens next in this story? 

Do you think she returned? Do share in the comments below.


  1. Sounds like this could be the beginning of a paranormal romance

  2. Dear Anita,

    Strange occurrence indeed.



  3. Not sure how I would feel about my portrait appearing like that! Kinda creepy!

  4. Entering that door brought her to another dimension!

  5. Time travel, I'd guess! Good mystery :)

  6. Maybe she looks like her grandmother named Liza that had a romance with the old gent years ago? Maybe that's her grandma?

  7. .. the picture came alive, reached for her hand and drew her in ... No, that's silly!

    Here's mine!

  8. Just a tad creepy, but maybe he's really a good guy who either saw her once and never forgot--or had a vision :)


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