Wednesday 2 September 2020

The Assignment

It was her first job assignment abroad.

She had been asked to report about a departmental store- Haldey's.

As a mystery auditor, she knew her job.

The client knew her caliber. 

They were spending a lot for her trip.

Pic - CEAyr

While she was clicking photographs, an elderly gentleman called out asking her if she can help him shop.

Though it was getting late, she didn't think twice before escorting him to Haldey's.

She patiently helped him shop.

When it was time to pay, the staff wouldn't accept any money from the senior citizen.

He had handed over Haldey’s to his grandson!

100 Words Story for Friday Fictioneers

What do you think happens next?

I had planned to end this story in another way, but my 100 words got over with this much! 

Malls and stores have opened in my part of the world. Hope, it's the same with you.

Take Care. Stay Safe.


  1. I used to hate those mystery shoppers when I worked in a shop, but I don't think we ever refused money! Nice story.

  2. I think this story one got lost in cultural translation. Free stuff is always a bonus.��

  3. I wonder if the old gentleman was the client

  4. I have a part-time job as a mystery shopper, but I've never been sent abroad - yet!

    Here's mine!

  5. Dear Anita,

    I'm surprised the store would refuse money.



  6. Everyone who worked in the store must have recognized the old gent.

    Mystery shopping sounds like a fun job :)

  7. Never heard of mystery shopper... don't think it exists here.


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