Friday 16 October 2015

No More Tears

When she saw him get up in the middle of the rainy night and found him driving away in his car, she was suspicious and followed him in her car.

When he stopped at a building, she overheard his greasy conversation.

PHOTO PROMPT -© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
PHOTO PROMPT- Friday Fictioneers -© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
In his car, he had stacked illegal drugs amounting to millions of dollars, sure to gift tears and hellish lives to many families.

She found tears welling up her eyes that she trusted this criminal, but those tears soon got washed away in the rain.

At first she thought she would ignite his car and blow up all those drugs, but then she decided otherwise and dialled a number.

When a gentleman answered her call, she said, "Hello Police! Please note that..." and shared all the details so that there would be no more tears.

What brings tears to your eyes? Do share in the comments below.

Linking this Six Sentences Fiction with-
Three Word Wednesday- Greasy, Hellish, Ignite
Friday Fictioneers
Six Sentence Stories- Tear


  1. A short but great read, greetings to you.

  2. Once the heart is broken and disappointed, one feels like breaking everything. Compelling read and can feel the emotions she faced.

  3. Thanks for sharing your story today!

  4. Raging drug menace portrayed imaginatively!

  5. I love the idea of a greasy conversation!!! Perfect!!!

  6. WELL DONE TO HER.. if everyone starts to phone and tell the police crime will reduce a LOT



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