Wednesday 14 October 2015

Nautilus Nacre

“Now this is living the life of Riley.”
© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham
Picture-Prompt- Mondays Finish The Story- © 2015, Barbara W. Beacham
The day his mom died, Parlanath aka Pearl found a cat, whom he named Riley.
As Riley always acted like his mother and absorbed his attention, Parlanath was certain that Riley was his own mother's parting gift for him.
He showered her with lots of love and care.

The government was exterminating all the stray animals in the city.
The animals that didn't have any ownership identification were not safe.
Parlanath knew he had to put a neck-band or badge around Riley to protect her.
Picture-Prompt- Magpie Tales; George Tooker, self-portrait

Parlanath immediately took his prized possession- an empty Nautilus hemishell with the Nacre also known as the mother of pearl.
Parlanath, who was called Pearl, felt nice that Riley now had the official 'Mother of Pearl' band.

Do you have any prized possessions that you would be glad to gift to a loved one? Do share in the comments below.

Linking with-
Mondays Finish The Story
ABC Wednesday- N for Nautilus, Nacre, Nice, Neck-band, Now
Three Word Wednesday
Magpie Tales


  1. I should like to give my srapbooks to my children to remind them of the great times we share with each other, their father included of course.What a lovely story Anita! I love cats.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  2. Lovely story with a fitting close.
    Anna :o]

  3. Some day I hope to give my children all the items my mother gave to me for safe keeping and remembrance. Interesting story.

  4. Hi

    I do have some little items indeed........ but i am not that kind of person that keeps things to myself, i much rather share it with my loved ones... and give it away most of the time ;-)

    Have a nice abc-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  5. Things that go down the generation have their own charm...
    Nice read!

  6. loved the story .. very good human being ..

    we all need to love natural worls which is full of animals , plants etc etc .. after all they have equal right on this planet maybe more than Humans..



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